ICON DEX - IRC-2 Compliant token
This project "ICON DEX" is a decentralized liquidity exchange network on ICON Blockchain Network. It allows users to buy and sell tokens without matching buyers and sellers in an exchange.
Source is at Github: https://github.com/icon-project/icon-dex
This is interesting project. It allows through the use of multiple SCOREs in the ICON Network, creation of Flexible Tokens that hold one or more other tokens as connectors. By using a connector token model and algorithmically-calculated conversion rates, tokens are calculated their own prices and converted seamlessly.
The main ones are the Flexible Token and Converter. The Converter is responsible for converting between a token and its connectors. Flexible Token represents a converter aware IRC-2 compliant token.
This project refers to the Bancor Protocol™ Look at Whitepaper https://www.bancor.network/whitepaper for more information.
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We support & strive for Decentralized Community-backed Blocks Production, interconnecting Blockchains and Global Communities.
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Anyone interested in maintaining all these Converters? Yes? No?
Anyone wants to deploy the DEX service.
ICON DEX project provides the core features to exchange IRC2 tokens on ICON.