Thanks @daddyku! Always love your input and feedback. I'll check out your review as I don't know anything about MyBit. There was an article recently (here it is from my twitter feed ~~~ embed:973559347484725249), which discussed a few ICOS that POLY is assisting with. One of them, Databroker DAO sounds similar to MyBit. If you get a chance, check out the link and let me know your thoughts. I really am curious who else is building on the security token protocol. I heard an interesting comment the other day that Goldman Sachs having purchased Polinex through its subsidiary Circle has the intent to create the first SEC fully compliant/regulated exchange whereby all coins listed on it will by default be regulated. Seems a genius and quick way for them to usher in larger institutional money... twitter metadata: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 ~~~
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@bprange, I have requested to follow you on Twitter! (can't view the link otherwise :'( )
Ok I just added you. Sorry about that. Definitely check out that link, let me know if you can't find it and I'll send to you directly. Also, here is a good you tube review from "Sin the Krypt Keeper", funny name, he is pretty insightful though....