just to say hello ...

in #idea7 years ago


Recently I spent a long part of my life drifting in the river. I was buried and buried in untrue conversations with people who were not right. I let the words come out of my mouth, not to hear very disturbing words. I'm lazy. I tried and I loved it and I was on the edge. I was misled by a misguided world where I could breathe.

And when I was thinking about it last night, I realized that I was tired of all these things, I was tired and I could not go on like this anymore. For example, my life seems to be very crowded. Too many people, too many things, too many words ... I began to feel like I was lost in them. It's like everything's about to fall down and drown. But the last time I saw it, I woke up in the air like I needed help. "Even though I have been buried, I still have hope in them," I said. "I can pull it off myself, I can still be myself and save myself."

It sounds like a sad situation, but I do not think so right now. I guess some things have to happen. It is important to realize that you do not want what you want and that your own dough is not suitable for you.

All this time is a heavy but instructive experiment. For example, I put paper under the feet of those who are shaking in my head. They're standing now. I changed my mind bulbs, everything is clearer. I have forgotten the ideas, the dust of the wishes I bought, it is brand new.

I remembered the existence of something I loved very much when I did all this but I have not done it for a long time; Writing. The words sprinkled on the dead land began to stir, and some of them could not stand in joy. The naughty, who tickle the curves of my mind and giggle me, reappeared.

I am writing this because of all this. Just to say hello again. Even to say how I miss words. It's even more important to share the joy of finding me again ...