Taking corruption out of the equation, and getting desperate, hungry people fed.
It sounds simple on the news. Emergency aid being flown in to Ghana or Bangladesh after their recent flood, mudslide or earthquake.
It's nice to hear they're being taken care of, but could it be done more efficiently?

Let's consider some of the logistical difficulties involved, particularly if roads are unavailable.
Sourcing and/or storing food of high nutritional value, which is fresh, easily prepared on the ground and culturally acceptable, usually with no prior warning.
Loading that food onto a big plane, flying to a remote airstrip, landing and unloading the food, while avoiding other planes doing the same thing, with no local air traffic control.
Making sure that the food is distributed far and wide, to the people with the least access to food (usually the people furthest from the airport), and not stockpiled and sold by corrupt, local 'authorities'.
One popular solution is the airdrop, which solves a lot of these issues, but causes a few more.

It requires specialised equipment which is difficult, if impossible to recover for reuse, and aid can land poorly, on rocks or trees, damaging the delivery, or making it difficult to access.
It's also still delivered to one location, so opportunistic individuals with vehicles and guns can typically arrive on the scene first, and sell the food to its intended beneficiaries, often using the proceeds to buy more guns.
It would be far better to just drop thousands of live chickens from planes

Hens can be farmed in the millions, in specially quarantined areas, (possibly even small islands without predators), and spend their whole lives on standby, ready to be ushered onto a cargo plane as an emergency food supply in cases of natural disaster.
The plane can be equipped with multiple, smooth floors, each loaded and released separately.
The pilot could fly low over an affected area, open one or more rear doors, and go into a quick climb.
The chickens would slide out the back and into the open air.
They can't initiate flight, but most of them would flap to the ground without injury.
They can then be caught and used by the locals in whatever way best suits their needs.
Those not immediately required as food would be kept for eggs.
Now think of the logistical issues this resolves.
There's no requirement to keep perishable food on standby, or source it in bulk at short notice.
There's no discarded packaging/plastic left on the ground after the disaster.
Loading the plane requires no heavy equipment or man power, just a few ramps and experienced chicken wranglers.
No expensive, single use parachutes, and no crew required in the aircraft, which doesn't need to land in the disaster zone.
The food is already distributed by the time it lands, undamaged, with no risk to structures or people; so the thugs with the vehicles and the guns might be able to catch a few each, but they can't control the supply.

None of the major religious or cultural groups has any issue with eating chicken.
Chicken can be cooked many ways, even roasted over a fire if no clean water is available
Livestock may have been washed away in a flood, but chickens float nicely.
It's permission-less. They can be dropped on areas where starvation is being used as a political weapon, and nobody can stop it from happening
Now I absolutely understand if this raises some questions around chicken welfare, and I certainly don't want any unnecessary chicken-suffering.

First, I'd like to suggest that multiple farms/runways, spread around the world, would mean that many chickens would live a happy, pampered, predator free life, and die of natural causes, without ever being conscripted as reluctant paratroopers.
Second, while it may seem cruel to drop them from a plane into the sky, we need to remember; they are birds.
Third, they should only be enlisted when people are in dire need of quick protein; even as a quick stop-gap until more traditional aid arrives.
But enough from me. What do you think?

There's a gym somewhere in a war torn country just waiting to have sweet live-chicken protein air dropped on it.
DPOC. Distributed proof of chicken.
Can we make sure we include a few bottles of Buffalo wing sauce?
I can confirm that chickens will glide/flap safely from at least roof top height (dont ask how I know). However I am not certain about dropped from greater height. Perhaps if there wings were not clipped. To stop them from flying away generally their wings need to be clipped.
I googled it extensively, but only found conjecture.
Keep in mind, if someone did this, they could select the breed, select the feed, select the wing conditions (clipped or unclipped), and even choose the flight speed and elevation on release.
I'm sure there'd be a way to do it quite ethically.
As mentioned before I can only vouch successful landing from roof top height (aprox 2.7m). 😉
I'm not asking how ;)

I'm just going off Zelda.
How do reckon you'd go catching them when your half starving?
Guess it depends how high they started, and how tired they are when they land.
These would be tame chickens too, so I think it'd be fairly straightforward.
It's a great idea, but I think the animal rights activists would go bonkers and probably lay an egg. Cheers
Then we need people rights activists.
I was thinking you could use giant wire crates and deliver them by chopper safe and sound. Cheers
My concern there would be total capacity and range.
Cargo planes are much more efficient.
It depends at what speed the plane is going and the height. I can see chickens hitting the ground at great speeds. No need for killing and plucking then I suppose!
It's so sad :(
Thanks for sharing this content!
Haha. The craziest idea I've ever heard. Then again, as much as it's crazy, it sounds pretty feasible. I say we try a "chicken parachute" project in a war-torn country. Let's just fund it with SBD, anyone interested? haha.
The Wright brothers were crazy, right up until they weren't ;)
That is a creative idea. I'm not sure I believe how easy it will be to air-drop chickens and have them land without broken legs / general death, cuz the plane would have to get REAL close to the ground.
Solving world hunger seems like one of the more doable "big dreams" of philanthropy, since the money is already available - it's a distribution problem. IDK if live chicken airdrops are the answer... but hey, maybe!
I actually wouldn't want it as a standard charity model, as it would put local farmers out of business, I'm more thinking of dire emergencies.
As to the height and speed, chickens have a lot of drag. I imagine they'd slow down quickly and get safely to the ground by flapping; just not sure how exhausted they'd be.
Might make them easier to catch.
Mate, I honestly didn't know if you were taking the mick or being serious, but after doing some research (yes, you made me google whether chickens could survive being dropped out of a plane) I must confess this is a damn good idea!
Just to contribute something valuable to the discussion, I think you could also include cats in a follow up drop. Obviously dogs would be better pets, but dropping dogs out of a plane would be cruel. My research led me to the understanding that cats, like chickens, have a very low terminal velocity. That said, I think the plane would need to swoop a little lower on the cat drop.
But cats aren't as tasty as chicken.
BBQ cat legs with some hot sauce, anyone??? Ewwww, I'd rather starve......haha
I know right? Everyone talks about cats.
I googled chickens dammit!
interesting take ..nice post :)
I love this idea! Airdropping live chickens is absolutely brilliant.
PS... I hope you saw this, Thank you so much for your generous contribution to my diet, I will eat crumpets forever.: https://steemit.com/food/@jeffjagoe/go-buy-some-crumpets-an-american-crumpet-review-thanks-to-mattclarke
I didn't see it, but I have now (Following). Glad you enjoyed your crumpets, mate.
Bonus points if you try them with vegemite.
Not too much, though.
Welp, I have never seen or tried Vegemite before... The only time I have heard of it is from the Men at Work song 'Down Under' haha.. perhaps that is next!
I like the idea of dropping chickens from planes..so long as wont get hurt banging their head in the process ;)
"What about the animal rights activists?"
@mattclarke: "then we need peoples rights activists." I love that!!
This idea is really thinking outside of the box. The current attempts at aid are good but we could do more...and better. I'm resteeming!
The real problem here is that the idea is so inherently funny that people might not take it seriously.
I agree it's funny, but it's also a great idea.
Appreciate the support :)Thankyou @tlester.