using to shorten and disguise the URL to prevent Facebook's shadow blocking of everything Steemit (not 100% certain it will work, but it's worth a try).
Yes I have been trying that too. We will need to see if it works.
Putting the Steemit links on every profile I have - including Twitter, Facebook, my Blog and on my Amazon page.
Yes that would help a lot. I think people are time constrained so tend to either forget that they can or just don't have time. Somebody else suggested that maybe we have a day where we all as a community just make a push on other social media - might make an impact in addition to the individual shares.
There's also Thunderclap - combined with that idea of everyone clubbing together to make one solid push at the same time may make a dent.
I think I have heard of that before. Will need to check it out again.