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RE: Measuring 'Privilege'

in #identity7 years ago

Nicely written and presented. I'm curious, an article on privilege - yet you don't define it? I largely agree with your conclusions, but my sense is that looking precisely at what is meant by privilege rather quickly demonstrates its conceptual weakness in praxis - it is subjectivity dressed up as objectivity, easily done precisely because it isn't defined, its meaning is just assumed - and whenever that happens (mistaking subjectivity for objectivity) in social organisation, oppression inevitably follows. Db


Oh sorry, I failed to link my previous article that does define it. Hope this helps!

Thanks, that cleared it up. I'd like you to take a side actually (I think you do, but rather claim you won't) - this is heavily politicised, and those politicising it are clearly wrong and causing significant damage, particularly to the education of impressionable students, and potentially, medium-to-long term, to our culture as a whole. They need calling out on this, until the truth drowns them out. Db

I will increasingly take a side in later posts. I wanted to start from ground to round-out the broad spectrum and also deconstruct the atmosphere that is so prevalent around me in New York City. I agree that a great deal of bad things are happening but also want to make space to try and understand why this is occurring as a vehicle for social change.

gotcha, look forward to it. Db