You don’t have any identity.
Identity doesn’t exist.
It’s an imagined construct.
Being born in a geographical position doesn’t give you identity. Producing different levels of melanin doesn’t give you identity. You are just a biological machine designed to pass on genes belonging to the animal homo-sapien. What you see and hear is a lie. Your perceived reality is based on excitation of receptors within the eyeball stimulated by photons reflecting off of solid matter. Vibrations and pressure change in the air stimulate the receptors on the side of your head creating what you call sound. Your brain receives stimuli from a variety of receptors and you form a simulation you call reality. As the brain learns more it can further develop its theories and understanding of the universe building upon its simulation of our world. Though the universe is truly incomprehensible… our brain fills in the gaps from of lack of knowledge and understanding. We create biases. We group things to use less brain power. We group people and we group ourselves, giving rise to labels, and identity. Through dualistic mindset we see in black and white thinking, us and them. Our modern ideas on identity are a relatively new social construct in the history of homo sapien.
Our perceived identities wrapped around the myth of innocence leads to violence. Myth of innocence is caused from perceived identity. We see the group we belong to as the “good guys” as we create a black and white world based on our susceptible nature to see the world in a dualistic manner instead of infinite. The perceived superiority of the perceived identity through perceived innocence elevates the believer of this dualistic mindset to believe that they are right, and everyone else is wrong. There is no room for discussion outside of the dualistic right and wrong model, because more than two sides cannot be seen.
Great post and a deep topic.
If we can unravel our own identity or the ego that has been constructed through our experience of life then we are on the right path.
Self-identification is what separates us from our true nature.
What is our true nature?
Joy, happiness and love. These incredible emotions yet from a young age we are detached from this. Why do you think children are so happy?
They can just be with no judgement of others or themselves and just be rather then think.
Not even a newborn baby is innocent if another living being ever had to perish in order to nourish its biologically-induced rapacity.
But this is the kind of shit we live in and are slaves to.
WOW! Thanks For Share :)
I will follow your account, please follow me at @nikunjo
if you are talking like a philosopher more than two sides can be seen
I cant understand philosopher
Hi @riskdebonair, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.