"Is there any way of comparing one's level of “privilege” to another?" Absolutely - socioeconomic status. This is fundamental to your potential to succeed in life. Socioeconomic status of your parents is the best predictor of one's likelihood of success. Throughout history, race and ethnicity has intersected with socioeconomic status exacerbating the problems faced by persecuted groups. For example, throughout the 20th century in the U.S., racist policies were actively used to prevent black families from accumulating wealth in the same manner that most white families had the potential to do. This was through practices such as real estate discrimination, and redlining and eminent domain destruction of neighborhoods with large non-white populations. This destroyed an enormous amount of wealth from African Americans, and has repercussions to this day.
THIS is how you compare privilege. As a white male, who grew up in a small town that was built upon the infrastructure created by "white flight" from urban centers, I benefitted, however distantly, from the demise of the wealth of others. This is an example of white privilege, and as a beneficiary of this legacy of white privilege, it is my responsibility to help repent for this legacy.