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RE: With wits like these, who doesn't love me?

in #idiots8 years ago

Says the person who posts the stupidest shit on their blog I've ever read.

Thank you for your opinion, the internet has harmed me.

Everything you have posted in your blog is shit...yet it doesn't get flagged.

Thank you for your opinion, mr MY CONTENT WASN'T SHIT!, YOUR CONTENT IS SHIT!

Well it will now.

LOL, I've duked it out with whales, lets see what you got mr ALL THESE FLAGS ARE HARMING ME

If you don't want to read someones crap content, then just don't follow them or mute them, it's that simple.

Thank you for your views, too bad you have a problem with following them, ie

Flagging for some stupid ass reason doesn't work for me, and shouldn't for anyone.

Yet you can flag me for your stupid ass reason, you can't have the cake and eat it too, double standards much? I don't care that you flagged me, like I said, it's not my problem what you eat, if you think it deserves a downvote I'm not gonna stop you or cry if you do, calling it an attack and you're hurting me.

This michaelpinson dude was expressing the way he feels, just because you don't like it, doesn't mean he's complaining. You're not that important you fucking twat

You're not that important.


DUUUUUUDDDEEEE. So well said, and so well articulated. You really got me here. You didn't get me good, you got me real good. No...really really good. I'm going to second guess everything I thought I knew about myself, and my ethics and integrity, because some ugly ass twat is making me question everything I thought I knew about myself. I'm just so frustrated. Thanks for all your valued and educated feedback. Thank you so much sweetie pie

I'm not really sure what you're saying's highly intellectual and a bit out of my league. I'm pretty sure it's basically the same thing you've said in the last 5 responses. Oh,'s "too bad" not "to bad". I know you're really really really really smart, but those little grammar errors can really get you.

Sensible? Do you mean sensitive?

sensible is not the right word to just doesn't fit in that sentence you're attempting to make. Maybe go back to school? I don't know, but you need to do something about your's frightening how low it is