Targeted Surveillance Spyware Hits Google Play

in #idm6 years ago

Targeted Surveillance Spyware Hits Google Play-03.png

Spyware can get hold of your passwords as well as bank and credit card information and send this over the Internet to people and organizations that can use it for fraud.

Hopefully you have a good antivirus program installed on your computer to check for suspicious software. But while many of us have antivirus software on our computers, we forget about our mobile devices. Taking into consideration the fact that mobile phones are being used more than ever before for all sorts of things, including the transfer of payment information when making online purchases, it is a good idea to check these devices for malicious programs, too.

Security researchers have discovered that there Android apps available on Google Play that hackers are using to conduct surveillance on users in the Middle East. Three apps were discovered altogether. ViperRAT malware was able to entice users with social networking and chat, but installing them resulted in hackers having control over the devices.

This kind of news should really make us wonder about what sort of apps we are downloading on our devices and what sort of information hackers might want to steal from us and for what purpose. In order to keep your mobile device safe, it is important to be running the latest operating system. However, old versions are still supported and used by many users. This is due to a number of reasons ranging from performance speed to economic considerations.

Threats against our devices and data seem to be growing every day. This is something that IDM understands, and the company is dedicated to providing users the safest cloud storage service available. Backed by its patented SIZE technology, IDM provides post-quantum protection in a time when we should be expecting no less than this. To find out more about IDM, go to

Sources: BBC WebWise, ZDNet, CNET, Android Developers