Hi guys..
Is there any girl who does not like shopping?
I thought no one of us, girls, who do not like it. The reason why girls love shopping, perhaps it can release our stress, fulfill our needed and we have fun by doing it, haha ^_^
Shopping is one of activity that takes a lot of time by doing it. This is a special case, only for girls or women. I don't think men do the same way as girls do. This is what makes us different. Today I have drawn a siluet for girl shopping activity and this is it. Hope you enjoy it guys.
Apa ada cewek yang tidak suka shopping? Menurutku sih ga ada, mana mungkin coba ada yang ga suka hal beginian. Secara alasannya banyak banget buat ngelakuin hal ini, seperti bisa menghilangkan stress, pastinya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan pastinya menyenangkan, haha ^_^
Shopping merupakan suatu aktivitas yang menyita banyak waktu. Tapi ini kasus khusus, hanya buat para cewek aja. Aku rasa cowok jarang yang melakukannya seperti kita, girls. Hari ini aku sudah menggambar siluet aktivitas shopping cewek dan ini dia. Kuharap kalian menikmatinya.
How to draw

As always, first I sketched the icon and continued by thicken the line
seperti biasa, pertama aku sketsa iconnya, kemudian aku lanjutkan dengan menebalkan garis

Second, I did coloring the body with black because I want to make siluet drawing. After that, I colored the hair with orange because I want to add some shopping stuff in it.
It looks easy to do drawing, right! Honestly, it's not as easy as it looks >_<. But for you guys who want to try drawing, just do it. Although it's not easy, but you going to have fun by doing it. I am sure for that one, haha.
Kedua, aku warnai badannya dengan warna hitam karena aku mau membuat siluet. Setelah itu, aku warnai rambutnya dengan warna orange karena aku mau menambahkan beberapa barang di sana.
Kelihatan mudah bukan, menggambar itu. Tapi jujur tidak semudah kelihatannya >_<. Tapi buat kamu yang mau coba gambar ni, coba aja dulu. Walaupun tidak terlalu mudah, tapi kamu bakal menikmatinya. Aku yakin itu, haha
All girls are the same, especially when being a boyfriends, and that thing really boring. "oh no it's so cute, but I'll take that one", "oh it's so 2017", oh.. the color looks awesome" bla bla bla and so on. By the way that's one hell of a drawing, keep it up
Yeah, that's we are
Shoping ya :-D akhir tahun nih. Hahaha. Pas x momen nya. N gmbarnya bnr2 mewakili bgt ya :-D :-P
Iya kak karna akhir tahun lagi banyak2nya diskon dan wrda ga ada ide kebetulan muncul ide itu. Haha