Perhaps the most common thought that pops into one's head when the word "Love" is mentioned is the concept of Romantic Love. The thrill of love at first sight, the idealised notion that has been popularised by books and movies since the Elizabethan Age
Agreed. I feel like that has been the case or a major theme in my life as well. Though as I've aged more I realize that love is very broad and I am even open minded to the spiritual belief that "everything" is love in a sense, or at least that it has it's roots in love.
with more at stake and more to lose, yet with so much more to take pleasure from!
Hmm.. Yeah I think maybe there's something to that. However.. Then the love of a child I think might even be more powerful cause it seems like from what I've heard losing a child is the most difficult?
As we grow through life... we start to discover other forms of love, some abstract.... and others destructive. It could be the love of a material thing, a favourite car or belonging that is irrationally prized beyond its ability to return the affection... or the love of progress of some numbers in some ledger somewhere to brings meaning to some lives, and a perception of societal validation.
Indeed.. There's many kinds of love! Some which seem a bit counter intuitive as well.. Like people who love pain and love being controlled or abused.. BDSM for example, some of that is really interesting to think about.. Not sure I understand it but I did meet a woman who was into that kind of stuff once and she was a super intelligent person so it was really fascinating to talk to her and to try to get into the philosophy and understanding of such kinds of things..
It might be the love that a parent has for a child, the sort of commitment that leads one to sacrifice parts of your own vision and time to help realise the meaning of another life. The sort of love that leads one to spend countless years sleeping on hard floors, calming tears and helping to realise dreams. However strong this love, it is still one that has an implicit heirarchy and one that will be forever separated in time... forever out of phase as one is destined to finish before the other.
That's pretty deep.. And I hope to experience that kind of love some day to the point I sacrifice so much for someone with no expectation of anything in return in such manner. Though just to be a little nitpicky and find the exception to the rule, sometimes parents and children do go at the same time, in like car accidents or plane crashes or things like that.
So... after all of this rambling... what are my thoughts on what love is? Love is the thought that there will always be someone who is your companion on the unknown journey through life, the one who provides safety and contentment, knowing that they somehow, unbelievably, they accept your faults along with any positives that might otherwise be invisible to you. It is the bond with the person who helps you become the best person that you can be, who you will do anything for...
Well said. :) I was just talking about this with someone recently I forget who.. But I think it's that quality of accepting someone as they are, flaws and all and still being there for them regardless which I think is one of the most powerful things in life and that is "true" love in my opinion.
Great entry as usual my friend. :) Was very inspiring and gave me some things to think about. I "loved" it. <3
Ha, Yes... Sometimes parents and child go at the same time... However, even then, they are seperated in time in their experiences of life!
This was a great topic choice! It is like trying to define the undefinable. A thing that we all recognise, but somehow, mere words are inadequate to really convey the real thing... Only allusions...
That's a good point in that we are separated in time and experiences in life with our parents, if we're lucky enough to be in their lives as some are not.
And glad you enjoyed the topic! I think it was a good one as well. :) I also have another good one coming up soon I'm excited about! And yeah.. I've found words are often inadequate, but we do our best! Cheers friend.