Excellent job eagle spirit! I just officially went through your post and you got them all, plus as you are already aware your opponent told me he was unable to find them all so he conceded. You win this round and are moving on to the next round!
PS wonderful job again in regards to getting them all, only you and youhavewings were able to get them all. Though I think 3 people ended up managing to get lightning. I'm amazed. I didn't think anyone would. Very cool. Even though we probably won't ever do lightning again, I'll always remember this and what this contest and the people involved are capable of. :) Great job and good luck in the rest of the contest! :D
PS I liked that picture of you up on Chimney Rock. That spot looks awesome! I see why you picked it as your power spot.
I also liked the bridge area with the graffiti and the artwork that was done on the side of that building! Cool!