Wow, it has been a lovely ride to have been on since Season 1! Congratulations to @owietus for making it to this stage together with me!
A HUGE thank you to @apolymask for running this contest, I can't say often enough how important it was for me in my early days on this platform to have something enjoyable to write about each week. Some topics and challenges were more attuned to my interests, and others would need a bit more thought... but always enjoyable!
Lastly, a GIGANTIC thank you to the judges. It's a thankless task to read through all the entries, especially when there were many many more every single week. The responses that you gave to all the entries were in-depth and really explained what you like and disliked about each entry. Definitely an engaging read as well!
Looking forward to getting to Season 3 with you all. Now that the crypto bull run is on, I'm sure that we will have many new people that will have started blogging... and like me in the early days, will be also looking for a hook to keep the creative juices flowing for their next post!