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RE: IFC Finals - Round Three: Eagle Spirit's Entry for Alien/UFO's ---> Hopi Ancient Extraterrestrials "The Ant People" & Personal UFO Video!!

in #ifc7 years ago

I'm not sure about you but the word alien never sat well with me and in fact made me feel a bit ridiculous. The feeling I got at the pit of my stomach was there are Beings quite literally centuries old, yet for a young group in existence such as humans that have the audacity to think they are the only ones, is quite arrogant.

I agree. There is so much that we don't know and so much to learn.

The greatest fear in the governmental structures was the knowledge that all forms of `Star Governments' had no monetary systems within their governing structures. Their (Star Visitors') system was based on the mental, spiritual and universal laws with which they were too mentally and spiritually intelligent to break.
Standing Elk added that "The Lakota/Dakota Medicine Men are now being instructed to share spiritual knowledge of the Star Nations, because of the contamination of Mother Earth and the pollution of the air."
Oral history according to the Hopi states The Ant People left due to discord on earth caused by an imbalance and when the balance is returned is when they will come back to earth.

Mother Earth is in a bad way, suffering the effects of mankind. If the balance was bad enough for them to leave in the first place, a lot of changes to restore the balance will have to happen in order for them to return. How long will it be before there is a total collapse of all governments? And will the balance be restored when that happens?


A’oo!! Im so with you on al of the above. thank you so much for your lovely comment and support. its comments like these that help me to see that many of us arent just putting out head in the sand.
