Hey @eaglespirit
A fascinating piece of information. You're absolutely correct, it is audacity and arrogance to catagorically believe that we are the only beings in this universe. There is so much evidence dating back thousands of years; depicting technology way too advanced of our own and of 'gods' that come from the sky, to ignore it.
I love the Ant People information and all the connections with your people. I wonder what is on the dark side of the moon?
Good luck with the competition. I'm rooting for you!
thank you very much! i appreciate the feedback. ypu crack me up about the dark side of the moon! i mnow i know LOL
There was an interview video on what was seen at the other side of the moon...have you seen that? Oh, were you kidding by any chance?
No. Definitely not. I would like to see it. Always interested in different points of view. The moon is an interesting subject.
Will find it for you...