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RE: IFC Finals - Round Three: Eagle Spirit's Entry for Alien/UFO's ---> Hopi Ancient Extraterrestrials "The Ant People" & Personal UFO Video!!

in #ifc7 years ago

oh interesting! no i didn't know you lived there, close to me! woot!! yes i know there are four tribes there. :)
do you go to the pow wow's often? they're really for the tribes to make money so spend a lot of it for them! bwahahaahah


I will be doing photography and my husband video. He is helping a local guy Indian John help get his own local show. We have a great group of folks out here. I have not been to a pow wow in years..last one in Wichita Kansas.

I have always had a connection. One day we will speak of these things. I knew Grandfather Wallace Black Elk, first in Texas then in Colorado. He has since passed over.

I did a sweat with Grace Spotted Eagle when women went in a separate TP .. Wallace Black Elk lead the men. That was long ago. Like 30 to 40 years ago. I am older. haha!

Spiritually I am very connected. @eaglespirit

in my tribe women are still separate than the men. sounds like fun today, cant wait to see your photos! “indian john” doh! 😆
of course indians do not like these nicknames🙀
you know ive been in SBs since nearly its inception right? LOL
yes jaynie is a sweet lady. 😊
ill vote for you ferrr sureeee😛

have a great pow wow and back to ... spend a lotttaa monies 🤣🤣🤣🤣😝🤣🤣🤣

are you photobe????

I am @photobe ... I will not call him that. Someone told me that was his name. I had no idea or even thought a second thought. Thanks for your help. :)