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RE: IFC Finals - Round Three: Eagle Spirit's Entry for Alien/UFO's ---> Hopi Ancient Extraterrestrials "The Ant People" & Personal UFO Video!!

in #ifc7 years ago

Busy lost what I had typed once - argh never again :) Enjoyed hearing some of what you know about the E.T.s.. I've watched a lot of the youtube videos about those that came from above - the Annunaki, other visitors, etc.. The megalith structures seem the biggest hint to me that history isn't what they are telling us and that there is a lot more things that many dont know about.


hehe dang busy! LOL
heck yah a whole lot more, its so time to stop listening to “them,” and making our world what it should be. finding our true history, technology, etc. thank you for stopping by! xx