unfortunately no python, needs to be C code. iguana is totally self-contained without any external libs and total codesize is 2MB, so everything needs to be in C to not bloat things.
good that can just post the tx to the public node.steem.ws
as far as the multisig goes, it needs to be something that once an account is configured locally (onetime setup) then automatically the multisig addresses need to be created, tx for it to be created, monitored, etc.
the multisig encodes secrets that are released during the atomic swap protocol and it in turn has a secret that it divulges when it is spent. I am assuming that like bitcoin, to spend a multisig the pubkey for it needs to be divulged. if not, some other mechanism is needed
Let's say Alice wants to exchange 10 bitUSD for 10 bitEuro with Bob. They create a new 2 of two multisig account between the two and send their funds to that account. Now they create a proposal that sends 10 bitUSD to Bob and 10 bitEuro to Alice. They both approve the proposal and the funds are exchanged. That's how I would do it (if not use the dex)
I have things setup so atomic swaps can be done between all bitcoin protocol coins, so if I can make the steemit do the arbitrary 2of2 multisig, then it can pretend it is a bitcoin protocol and that would allow atomic swaps of steem (and sbd?) against all the bitcoin compatibles