
Ahhh I see the future of Music =))))) You should come to present what you are doing one of these days at the steemit com-lab if you are around Vienna. Would be awesome to meet you and know more about what you are doing as we are exploring with the @globalschool participants the fields of future media ecosystems, already in the frame of health, hospitality, learning and travel. =)

Owww cool. One of our team members lives close @mammasitta. I'll let her know.

Ahhhh @mammasitta. :)))) If I may, as part of the familly (yes, I adopted her, and all which comes with it, so you too :P )! When are you/both joining?

Whenever you are around Vienna, I would be pleased to offer you the hospitality within our very recent project @frameworks. This future #cryptoart autonomous lifeform aims to integrate a serie of reward systems to promote and empower entrepreneurs, creatives and digital / nomad - souls ...we are slowly trying to understand how to install it on the blockchain with motivated people to allow it self replication, pursue its #ubi vision to enable the next group of co-hosts to fund and install the new version when the conditions are met. (So much to say in few lines LOOL, participatory proposal ongoing...).

With some partners we are also working hard on an awards for Future of (something I can't share now). I can't wait to involve you and @mammasitta further in what we are doing and planning to do with @globalschool and motivated steemians from around the world! =)

here my email, don't hesitate [email protected] I'll be happy to share more and get updates or requuirements we could cooperate on with our @globalschool participants. All the best, I'll keep your blog on my precious list =D

Sounds like you have something going! You are very enthusiastic, that is a big plus. Got a couple of words from mammasitta already on your projects, so super. I'll send you an email soon.

Good to read such encouraging message! Thanks to both of you for all the enlighning words and smiles here and there. Looking forward to read from you.

Wonderful to see you both communicating.
We catch up soon @jnmarteau

LOL, nice! Thanks so much :)

I always really appreciate to share such smile :)