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RE: Locked or unlocked | Enslaved or un-enslaved

in #iinformationwar6 years ago

Thank you for your apology.

I see us all as indigenous earth inhabitants rather than as localised and individual. Yes, there are good and bad but being human comes with faults and frailties, and the ability to learn from them. I have seen my fair share of humans at their best and worst and know first hand what some are capable of.

Wear your heritage like a badge of honour by all means, but don't allow the wrongs of the past to twist that proud heritage into the very wrongs committed against your people in the first place.

Anyway, for me respect is earned and rarely have I seen one who demands it acheive true respect. Still, I guess everyone is different and each human-journey is, by necessity, different.

Parting words, hmm...So many...I'm going to leave you with this...Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default. An ethos that has helped me live a life I can look on with pride and with no regret. It helps me order things accordingly, to take ownership and to show humility, kindness and be humble; All strengths that allow me to move forward with confidence.


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'demanding respect' is indicative of an extreme narcissistic personalty type - as is the response after the tirade.
Very standard behavior when control is deemed to have been 'taken away'. (i.e questioning the

Yep, I agree.

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh shit - your previous compliments that she gave you will now turn into tirade.

( I was gonna mention 'he kills things for fun' - but I didn't ) lol.
Oh shit- I just

Hmm, yes I do don't I. 😂

Posted using Partiko Android