The time for acceptable speech is over. Its time to speak truth to power. Unfortunately resourced based utopias are not possible and are not the answer. Don't let the fancy graphics of floating cities fool you, it is communism with pretty pictures. Made for you by wizards.
How does it differ? It doesn't. Communism is anything but humane and the Venus Project is a technocratic wet dream. Perhaps if they were able to humanely keep the population down to the 500000000 (as per the Georgia Guide Stones) one could live in a sea born rat hole, waiting for rations, calculated by an algorithm.
But hey, for globalists, this would sound awesome
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lol. "Free thinker, freedom fighter" ...communist. Why do you hate whammins, honour the wahmyns with good energy. Bad energy is for wypepo and orange man, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
...glad to see you're still alive - we had some bad energy heading our ways - (phew, we made it)...
All good here so far although I sneezed today...
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be careful - could be scouting spell....