This man has been riding his bike through the Welsh valley of Gwent for the last 10 years giving his message to the people that we don't need to be controlled by the elite no longer we as a race can take control of our country's again from these criminals we are all controlled for their benefits fair play to him me and my brother were taken back by his determination and grit for this cause!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE HELP THIS GENTLEMAN IN HIS CAUSE HE'S TRYING TO DO WHAT MOST OF US WANT TO HE JUST NEEDS SOME HELP LETS GET HIS CAUSE OUT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good for him - and I hope at least some people are listening, as we do not have much time left to save ourselves. You do not mention how his message is received, does he have any followers? I'm guessing not, or else they'd have found some excuse to imprison him.
Well while we was talking to him cars beeped there horns every other second we were talking to him which lasted 20mins so there's definitely support for him just to many of us think but don't act on it