Last Sunday I was given a small test sample of perfume of Dior, with a ribbon gift card. I seldom use perfume, but still have some, I like sweet smell and lovely bottles :D The mostly used recently is Majolica Majorca's. I have very sensitive smell and heavy smell fragrance will make me feel sick. It will be hell for me if there is a lady next to me with heavy fragrance in the rush hour train. And the Dior one I am a bit regret bring it home... the tester and gift ribbon card make my nose allergic. Fail to be pretty and sentimental like Natalie Portman in the PV which I like so much..
星期天拿了一份DIOR的香水試用,還有一張用絲帶包成的小卡片。我不常用香水,但也擁有一些,大概都是甜香味,還有一些因為外表而買的小瓶裝。最近都在用MAJOLICA MAJORCA的,都是甜味為主。因為我的鼻很敏感,一些強烈香味都會讓我鼻子很辛苦,還有不停流眼淚。如果在人擠的地鐵裡剛好站了一位濃味女士,那整個早上就毀了。而這DIOR的試用結果令我有點後悔,因為它味道好嗆,是我受不了的香,到我現在打開抽屜也會敏感打噴嚏...... 那很吸引我的廣告裡NATALIE PORTMAN帥氣轉身問「為了愛情你願意付出甚麼?」,我的答案應該是鼻涕和眼淚吧。
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Very good ilustration,, i like this,, succes for you
I have personally used Dior perfumes they smell pretty descent the smell and it stays little longer..
But my nose doesn't allow me😭 Perfume is like one more layer of cloth, which can change the whole mood.
Lol...guess you are unlucky....this perfume is sexo really makes my mood......takes away all crappy mood in me.......
The best part is it stays for longer time....
This is so simple yet so beautiful, @nanosesame. :)
I make digital art as well on my blog if you'd like to check out some of my work. :D
我買一支有排用xDD 通常都未用完就會變心...
話說有香味的記憶都特別深刻... 送香水真的要很了解的人送才有意思,香水加上體味都是獨一無二的🙊
它不只是太香,而是有致敏的東西,我今天忍不住掉了卡片了... 小瓶試用應該也用不上了==
香水膏我有用過,也不錯。有時候在莎莎之類藥妝店看到,但如果沒有試用樣品我不敢買😐 只有名字漂亮不靠譜😂 個人來說香水比其他像粉底什麼的較不重要,不太執著😁
哈哈,我去hk的时候也有在sasa买过香水,主要是5ml的小样,拿回去送人的,比较喜欢anna sui的啦,甜甜的又不会太腻。