Feels Mad Max met Doom, this is oure DoomSlayer right here... for the crazed deserts of... HEY WHERE DID MAD MAX TAKE PLACE IN, I KNOW FICTIONAL AMERICA! BUT WHERE WAS IT SHOT? THERE! OKAY!... Melbourne... wait a minute.
This chompy boy spells out a good post-apocalypse/apocalypse survival story. But I do fear that some duck tape will stop the laddie from being a crocodile all they want when that shiv of his becomes unavailable and whacking with his bandaged arm becomes to painful. Poor chompy boi, probably has to deal with rival raider gangs if the sun hadn't burnt his skin off or the flying sands dislodged his metallic contraption by then. Though I do wonder who'd be kind of enough to keep an eye on the boi and not just bring them in, lest it be a trail of some sorts and seeing if the boi can be a good raider / raider-leader. Chompy boi~
Otherwise, I love everything gels here in the drawing; from the sketchwork, to the shiv, to the slightly-poofy pants, to the bandages to even the mouthpiece which makes sense of the semi-nudity of the chompy boi. I like how we can see through the eye-port, probably a bio-mechanical piece (like a augmented skull) of a crocodile/alligator. Also scarTM on the eye, never ever on the bodies though - a slightly missed opportunity but one I can suffice to not care since one scarTM was enough for the chompy boi. It would be good to highlight the recklessness of the chompy boi if there were some battle-sweat and wounds on the spine (a particularly good area to kill any unarmored person) to drive up the tensions of the GREAT CRAZED DESERTS OF... Melbourne, Australia... OKAY WHICH ONE O' YE PECKNECKS!... Well gotta leave a comment before I go off and fight yet again.

I think Fury Road was shot in Namibia, cuz the original location in Australia blossomed with flowers due to an unusually high rain season.....
Indeed: Namibia and Tunis (lest I am thinking of the Taureg people and Star Wars now). But yeah, around the Sahara Desert and Namibia was the Fury Road one (damn I loved the recent one, wonder what else can be made for Mad Max in general).