Must Evacuate - Ohio Toxic Feb. Derailment Worse Than Chernobyl

in #ilroad2 years ago

Must Evacuate - Ohio Toxic Feb. Derailment Worse Than Chernobyl


Regarding the Norfolk Southern railroad train derailment of Feb. 3, 2023, in East Palestine, Ohio, something ain’t right. Official mantra states that everything’s okay; the municipal water is safe to drink; it’s okay to return home, and get on with your lives.

But after nearly a month of mumbling, fumbling & bumbling, the entire world views this sad situation sideways; like a rotten fish in the State of Denmark (to coin a phrase). The disaster timeline - arguably the worst toxic chemical release in American history - continues unfolding into one giant mess of confusing disclosures, exemplified by concealment of guilt.

The facts: A freight train (ID# 32N), 151 cars long, derailed in East Palestine, a small village situated on the eastern border of Ohio, at around 9pm on the evening of Feb. 3rd. “The train was en route to Conway, Pennsylvania, from Madison, Illinois,” according to a summary published by the Epoch Times on Feb. 26th. “The crew began their shift in Toledo, which is located in northwest Ohio. The train traveled through heavily populated areas like Cleveland before [crashing & burning] in East Palestine, according to the NTSB.”


Norfolk Southern Railway’s ill-fated 32N freight train “crew,” during the initial disaster, consisted of three (3) employees and one (1) trainee. Often, these mile-long toxic monstrosities contain only two (2) workers; and there are currently no regulations for crew size. By comparison, the trucking industry would have at least one driver for each of those 151 railroad cars. This railroad staffing issue was a major component of worker union strike negotiations throughout 2022 - strikes which the Biden administration repeatedly intervened to prevent. A summary of those struggles is discussed in left-leaning Jacobian’s recent Feb. 23 article, “Rail Carriers’ Cost-Cutting Is Endangering All of Us.”

Norfolk Southern Railway’s destination “classification yard” in Conway, Pa., is not far from East Palestine; located just outside Pittsburgh, about twenty miles away from the crash site, as the crow flies. Also known as marshaling or shunting yards in Europe, this is where the boxcars get separated from freight trains through a series of switches. The Conway Yard was once the world’s largest, between 1956 and 1980; that title now falls to the Bailey Yard in North Platte, Nebraska.

Coincidentally, the mayor of East Palestine has a nearly identical name to the doomed train’s destination: Trent R. Conaway[; although the village manager Mark McTrusty runs day-to-day operations. Another odd fact is the “eerie similarity” between this train wreck and the 2022 Hollywood B-movie “White Noise.” Almost an equal disaster to East Palestine itself, the film was shot in northeastern Ohio, with some of the extras hailing from the poisoned village. One of the sub-plots in White Noise is a freight train disaster, with a plume of poison gas heading towards town, and people panicking in the streets. Conspiracy theorists are dubbing White Noise as “predictive programming” - but it’s merely a bad movie, with a lousy script, which you’d never watch if the East Palestine crash didn’t happen in real life.

Getting back on track, while the actual numbers are scattered across many different sources, here’s a basic breakdown: Of the 151 box & tanker cars aboard the freight train, 51 derailed, 38 of which contained hazardous materials; including five (5) which contained vinyl chloride, a combined total of 115,580 gallons. Also known as chloroethene, the chemical is used to make those plastic PVC pipes which everybody uses in their household plumbing. Among the top twenty petrochemicals manufactured worldwide, vinyl chloride is a common contaminant found near landfills. Until 1974, vinyl chloride was used in aerosol spray propellant and refrigerant. According to Wikipedia, it was also briefly used as an inhalational anesthetic, in a similar vein to ethyl chloride.

However, whenever chlorinated chemicals such as vinyl chloride are burned, they release hydrogen chloride and phosgene into the air. And also dioxin, arguably one of the deadliest carcinogens known to humanity. In this case, deadly DIOXIN is the crucial factor being censored, when discussing all the jumbled facts and figures surrounding the situation in East Palestine. Always remember,this is exactly what the public officers and railroad officials screwed-up - vent and burn the vinyl chloride from those five derailed tanker cars, on the afternoon of Feb.6, in order to prevent a possible explosion, but in the process making the danger much worse by emitting large amounts of dioxin into the air.

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, during a Feb. 8th press conference at East Palestine High School (two days after a massive dioxin plume contaminated air over the entire northeastern United States), joined by Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, East Palestine Fire Chief Keith Drabick, and other officials from Ohio and Pennsylvania, announcing that the earlier evacuation orders, including the Feb. 6th “controlled burn,” were lifted, and residents within the zone could return to their homes.

It was during this press conference that NewsNation correspondent Evan Lambert was forcibly removed and arrested by State Police and National Guard officers, allegedly for resisting arrest and criminal trespassing, hauled-off to the Columbiana County Jail, then released 5 hours later on $750 bond. The Columbiana County Prosecutor’s office then passed the case up to Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost’s office.

It wasn’t until Feb. 12, nearly two weeks after derailment, that U.S. Senators. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) and J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) sent a letter to state and federal EPA officials, urging them to test for dioxins, which are pollutants that are created when chemicals burn. The letter raised concerns that burning vinyl chloride “may have resulted in the formation of dioxins,” a group of chemical compounds that only break down slowly once released into the environment. Addressed to EPA Administrator Michael Regan and Ohio EPA Director Anne Vogel, the letter expressed the concern that testing for dioxins weren’t included in the EPA’s air monitoring processes to date. “We are concerned that the burning of large volumes of vinyl chloride may have resulted in the formation of dioxins that may have been dispersed throughout the East Palestine community and potentially a much larger area, Sen. Brown and Sen. Vance wrote.

Odd chlorine smells and strange residue precipitated upon automobiles was detected by residents throughout the northeast, including Orange County, New York, and across rural parts of Connecticut, as reported in the mainstream press, such as the New York Post.

Local Hudson Valley astrologer Eric Coppolino, a former investigative journalist who spent decades covering dioxin contamination stories, spoke recently on the Feb. 21, 2023 episode of Health Ranger Report with Mike Adams: “Urgent call for TOTAL EVACUATION of East Palestine due to DIOXIN FALLOUT,” and found on the Brighteon online video platform under that title. Material related to domestic dioxin poisoning from the petrochemical industry is routinely censored by corporate media (in collusion with Big Tech), as “misinformation,” much akin to the extremely slanted one-sided hysterical pro-vax pandemic news coverage seen during recent years. A print article, also from Feb. 21st, was featured on Gary Null’s Natural News under the headline “Eric Coppolino and the Health Ranger call for the TOTAL EVACUATION of East Palestine due to extremely toxic ‘dioxin fallout’ that will poison the land and crops for GENERATIONS.”


[Dioxin] is not an issue that is well known - iit has been silenced by the corporate media for three decades. So the most recent serious investigation was [written] by me in 1994,” Coppolino explained, citing his famous Autumn 1994 article in Sierra Magazine, titled “Conspiracy of Silence,” which told the story of how three petrochemical corporate giants - General Electric, Westinghouse & Monsanto - conspired to keep the toxicity of their products secret from the public since 1947, until those substances were banned in 1974.

Both “Health Ranger” Mike Adams, along with his guest Eric Coppolino, call for the immediate total evacuation of all persons from East Palestine, until proper testing proves the area safe from dioxins. They also call for indictments of those responsible for authorizing the so-called “controlled burn.”

“The ‘controlled burn’ actually transformed a relatively harmless chemical into an extremely toxic, deadly chemical that will persist across Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York State for CENTURIES,” Null wrote in Natural News. Coppolino and Adams discussed how dioxins are measured in femtograms, which are one-quadrillionth of a gram, in terms of determining human safety.

“And when it comes time to testing, this is when the playbook needs to be understood - with testing in the wrong places; testing for the wrong chemical; testing by the wrong method; losing test results; losing the samples themselves, and every other game imaginable down to burning down the homes of people with massive document collections in their homes, which was more of an issue when the documents were not kept on the internet, as they are today,” Coppolino noted.

Quoting Rachel’s Hazardous Waste News #173 (March 21, 1990): “Dioxin is a family of chemicals (75 in all) that does not occur naturally, nor is it intentionally manufactured by any industry. The most toxic dioxin is called 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Dioxins are produced as byproducts of the manufacture of some herbicides (for example, 2,4,5-T),” Both mentioned above were present in the “Agent Orange” concocted by the U.S. military as a “defoliant,” which dumped over 20 million gallons in southeast Asia during the Vietnam War era, permanently disabling over one million people.

EPA believes that ingesting (eating) 6.4 femtograms (6.4 x 10**-15 grams) of 2,3,7,8-TCDD per kilogram of body weight per day would cause cancer in one in a million people so exposed. Therefore, 397 femtograms of 2,3,7,8-TCDD consumed in food each day would kill one-in-a-million humans so exposed (according to the EPA). Over a year's time, 397 femtograms per day add up to 145,000 femtograms; over a 70-year lifetime, this would add up to 10.1 million femtograms, (or 0.01 micrograms) - the maximum amount you could safely ingest during your entire lifetime

Let's compare it to one single aspirin tablet. One aspirin tablet weighs 5 grains (or 325 milligrams, or 325 trillion femtograms), so to express one "safe" lifetime dose of 2,3,7,8-TCDD, you would take a single aspirin tablet and divide it into ~32 million miniscule pieces. Then one of those tiny pieces would represent one "safe" lifetime dose of 2,3,7,8-TCDD.

Another comparison: A single grain of table salt weighs approximately 0.1 milligrams or 100 billion femtograms, so to get an amount of table salt that weighs the same amount as one "safe" lifetime dose of 2,3,7,8-TCDD, you would divide a single grain of table salt into 9,900 microscopic pieces. One of those tiny pieces would represent a "safe" lifetime dose of dioxin.

“The scientific and medical evidence presented by ATSDR (U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) forces us to conclude that dioxin deserves our greatest respect. It seems to be one of the two or three most toxic chemicals ever discovered, and it is produced as a byproduct of several different industrial processes. For years, industry has been dumping dioxin into the environment in large quantities without paying attention to the consequences. This does not mean there have been no consequences; it just means no one has made any systematic effort to tally them up,” Rachel’s Toxic Waste News concluded.

Meanwhile, back in East Palestine, the Norfolk Southern Railway has set up a disaster area website, with daily updates, named “MAKING IT RIGHT IN EAST PALESTINE,“ . For 4,761 residents, the railroad has spent $11.35 million (as of Feb. 27), amounting to $2,383.95 per capita. The air & water are “safe, cleanup & remediation continue.

President Joe Biden has not visited the East Palestine disaster area, and does not plan on doing so, angering many local residents, along with political opponents across the nation. He did however make several teleconferences on the “Zoom” video platform, and send his Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg (who ran away when asked questions). Some have speculated that East Palestine is being “punished” for voting Red (Republican) in the 2022 Presidential Election, being wrongfully denied emergency FEMA funding. Ohio’s current Governor, Mike DeWine, was a former anti-trump RINO until Donald trump endorsed him for gubernatorial reelection in 2022. DeWine previously helped sanction Russian vodka from being sold in Ohio, as part of an anti- Trump “Russia Collusion” hoax.

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Trump himself visited East Palestine on Feb. 22nd, buying everybody free meals at McDonald's. He also donated thousands of gallons of cleaning supplies and more than a dozen pallets of water to the community - a fact ignored by most mainstream media. The appearance helped put pressure on the do-nothing Biden administration, and keep attention focused upon the ongoing tragedy.

Don’t think that a toxic train disaster can’t happen in YOUR hometown. Kingston has a CSX freight line running through the Hudson Valley, replete with tanker “bomb” trains. Sen. Chuck Schumer made repeated visits to the area over the past twelve years, citing safety concerns, especially at the Wilbur railroad trestle, which crosses the Rondout Creek, a tributary which empties into the Hudson River tidal estuary.

Where is the outcry from all our ostensibly “environmentalist” public officials, especially including Democrats such as U.S. Rep. Patrick Ryan; State Senator Michelle Hinchy; County Executive Jennifer Metger; and Ulster County Legislator MannaJo Greene? “Because I haven’t heard from ya!”

Stew Peters: Environmental PROTECTION POLLUTION Agency: EPA LIES To East Palestine Residents, REJECTS Water Filters & Testing -

Erin Brockovich demands government officials stop 'gaslighting' East Palestine, Ohio -

Rail Carriers’ Cost-Cutting Is Endangering All of Us -


Youtube: Eric Coppolino Discusses East Palestine DIOXIN Disaster with Health Ranger Mike Adams -


Rumble: Eric Coppolino Discusses East Palestine DIOXIN Disaster with Health Ranger Mike Adams -

UGEtube: Eric Coppolino Discusses East Palestine DIOXIN Disaster with Health Ranger Mike Adams -

Odysee: Eric Coppolino Discusses East Palestine DIOXIN Disaster with Health Ranger Mike Adams -

3speak: Eric Coppolino Discusses East Palestine DIOXIN Disaster with Health Ranger Mike Adams -

“Get Over Here” – Trump Has a Message For Joe Biden After He Delivers Pallets of Food and Trump Water to East Palestine Residents (VIDEO) -

President Trump Provides Timeline of Biden and Buttigieg Activities Past 20 Days While Ignoring East Palestine, Ohio -

Mastriano To Hold PA Senate Hearing With Testimony From Those Affected By East Palestine Disaster -

Five Environmentalists Flying to Ohio Die In Plane Crash – Worked For Company Testing Water In East Palestine, Ohio -

PA Governor’s Criminal Referral In East Palestine Contradicts DeWine And EPA’s Narrative -

‘We’ve Made a Referral to the Acting Attorney General’ – PA Governor Demands Criminal Investigation Into Norfolk Southern Over Train Derailment (VIDEO) -

Situation Update, Feb 21, 2023 - Urgent call for TOTAL EVACUATION of East Palestine due to DIOXIN FALLOUT -

Eric Coppolino and the Health Ranger call for the TOTAL EVACUATION of East Palestine due to extremely toxic “dioxin fallout” that will poison the land and crops for GENERATIONS


Daily Eagle News
Established July 4, 2019