Mi presentación /My presentation @artdelosrios

Hola a todos apreciados hivers! 😃

Gracias de antemano por recibirme y apoyarme.


Mi nombre es Natalia De los Ríos, soy Venezolana, nacida en Valencia, Estado Carabobo, pero me presentaron en Los Guayos. Nací un 30 de noviembre de 1976, en la semana 23 de gestación, es decir, de 5 meses y medio. Pesé 1 kilo al nacer. Me daban leche con gotero. No me daban muchas esperanzas de vida, pero por ser un milagro, estuve mes y medio en una incubadora y al salir me llevaron en una caja de zapatos hasta Maracay, donde me crié, no con mis padres biológicos sino con los padres que Dios tenía destinado para mí: una tía segunda y su esposo: Delfín De los Ríos y Matilde Herrera, que ahora son mis ángeles desde el cielo.


Ellos me ayudaron a crecer con tanto amor, que fui desarrollando mi pequeño cuerpo y mente como una niña normal, eso sí, con todos los cuidados del mundo.


Desde temprana edad fue creciendo mi amor por el dibujo, y especialmente la pintura, mi padre me regalaba los cartones donde venían las vacunas de fiebre amarilla, los cuales fueron mis primeros lienzos, porque casualmente eran cuadrados y blancos. Luego fui probando otras técnicas y cuando me regalaron mi primera caja de óleos quedé extasiada. También tocaba cuatro en la estudiantina del colegio, así que la música y el arte me llenaban de regocijo constantemente. De esa manera, crecí en una infancia y adolescencia muy feliz, siendo hija única. Entré en la Universidad de Carabobo en el año 1994 y empecé a estudiar Matemáticas, aunque en realidad la carrera de arte era un imán para mí, hasta que me decidí y me gradué de Licenciada en Educación Mención Artes Plásticas en el año 2002, Durante mis últimos años de estudio, realicé estudios de Fotografía con el Prof. Edgar González, Domingo González y Geczain Tovar Andueza en Valencia, y quedé atrapada en ese mundo, participando en algunas exposiciones regionales. Luego me robaron la cámara, me casé y formé mi propia familia, y me dediqué al matrimonio y a tener hijos. Dios me siguió bendiciendo con 4 hermosos hijos, Manuel, Nadia, y unos morochos Ariana y Andrés. Actualmente tienen 17, 15 y 11 respectivamente.


Por otro lado, daba clases a nivel universitario de Fotografía, Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, Análisis Semiológico de Cómic-Manga, Discurso Audiovisual, Dibujo de Cómic y Manga básico, entre otras. De igual forma en el 2007 realicé cursos en Posa Studio Creativo, de Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign CS3 y Flash 8.


En cuanto a mi trabajo artístico, escribo poesía, me gusta mucho utilizar el collage, y he realizado de todo un poco, desde artesanías hasta cuadros en gran formato, unificando la música y que siempre tengo sueños extraños y muy descriptivos. Actualmente, estoy divorciada, vivo en Maracay con mis dos hijos (los morochos). Los más grandes viven con su papá en Caracas por decisión mutua.


¿Cómo llegué a Hive? Desde el año pasado he vuelto a retomar el uso de estos programas, pero desde Software Libre, para la realización de ilustraciones, habiendo publicado en varias revistas digitales y concursos a nivel mundial, ganando recientemente una mención honorífica en el 1er Concurso Internacional de Ilustración Digital ‘Crypto Art’,


...por lo que el 01 de abril fui invitada cordialmente por Jakim7 ∴ (Antonio González) felicitándome en Twitter por mi premio, hablándome directamente de esta maravillosa plataforma. Ahora más que nunca me siento muy motivada, y considero que cada día voy aprendiendo muchísimas cosas, sobre todo en este mundo tan esplendido, como lo es el criptoarte, blockchain, colmenas, etc, y doy gracias a todas las personas que cada día voy conociendo y que me apoyan, el trabajo en equipo es fundamental en todos los ámbitos de nuestras vidas! Éxitos para todos los que aquí convivimos!


Mis Redes sociales /
Fuente fotográfica: Todas las imágenes son de mi propiedad y fueron publicadas en Facebook e Instagram. https://www.facebook.com/nataliadelosrios. https://www.instagram.com/artdelosrios/

Hello everyone dear hivers!

Thank you in advance for receiving and supporting me.
My name is Natalia De los Rios, I am Venezuelan, born in Valencia, Carabobo State, but I was introduced in Los Guayos. I was born on November 30, 1976, in the 23rd week of gestation, that is, 5 and a half months. I weighed 1 kilo at birth. They gave me milk with a dropper. They did not give me much hope for life, but because it was a miracle, I spent a month and a half in an incubator and when I came out they took me in a shoebox to Maracay, where I was raised, not with my biological parents but with the parents that God had destined for me: a second aunt and her husband: Delfín De los Ríos and Matilde Herrera, who are now my angels from heaven. They helped me grow up with so much love that I developed my little body and mind as a normal child, with all the care in the world.
From an early age my love for drawing grew, and especially painting, my father used to give me the cartons where the yellow fever vaccines came, which were my first canvases, because they happened to be square and white. Then I tried other techniques and when I was given my first box of oils I was ecstatic. I also played cuatro in the student band at school, so music and art filled me with joy constantly. Thus, I grew up in a very happy childhood and adolescence, being an only child. I entered the University of Carabobo in 1994 and began to study Mathematics, although in reality the art career was a magnet for me, until I decided and graduated with a degree in Education, mention in Plastic Arts in 2002. During my last years of study, I studied Photography with Prof. Edgar Gonzalez, Domingo Gonzalez and Geczain Tovar Andueza in Valencia, and I was trapped in that world, participating in some regional exhibitions. Then my camera was stolen, I got married and started my own family, and I dedicated myself to marriage and having children. God continued to bless me with 4 beautiful children, Manuel, Nadia, and a few brunettes Ariana and Andres. They are currently 17, 15 and 11 respectively.
On the other hand, I taught at the university level of Photography, Information and Communication Technologies, Semiological Analysis of Comic-Manga, Audiovisual Discourse, Comic Drawing and basic Manga, among others. Likewise, in 2007 I took courses at Posa Studio Creativo in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign CS3 and Flash 8. As for my artistic work, I write poetry, I like to use collage, and I have done a little bit of everything from crafts to large format paintings, unifying music and that I always have strange and very descriptive dreams. Currently, I am divorced, I live in Maracay with my two children (the morochos). The older ones live with their dad in Caracas by mutual decision.
How did I come to Hive? Since last year I have returned to resume the use of these programs, but from Free Software, for the realization of illustrations, having published in several digital magazines and contests worldwide, recently winning an honorable mention in the 1st International Digital Illustration Contest 'Crypto Art', so on April 01 I was cordially invited by Jakim7 ∴ (Antonio Gonzalez) congratulating me on Twitter for my award, speaking directly to me about this wonderful platform. Now more than ever I feel very motivated, and I consider that every day I am learning a lot of things, especially in this splendid world, such as cryptoart, blockchain, hives, etc, and I thank all the people that every day I meet and who support me, teamwork is essential in all areas of our lives! Success to all of us who live here!

My social networks /
Photo Source: All images are my property and were posted on Facebook and Instagram. https://www.facebook.com/nataliadelosrios. https://www.instagram.com/artdelosrios/

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


Bienvenida a la colmena estimada @artdelosrios , se abre para ti otra puerta de oportunidades aprovéchala con tus talentos, estoy seguro que en poco tiempo darás que hablar en este ecosistema, estoy como desde el primer día a la orden, recibe un caluroso saludo en la distancia 🌹 ✌️

Gracias querido Mentor y Amigo!, porque los buenos amigos impulsan siempre a otros a crecer y a echar para adelante! Igualmente un abrazo caluroso para tí! Bendiciones en Abundancia y salud! 😃

Hello @artdelosrios! This is @ybanezkim26 from OCD team. We saw that you already posted your first post here in Hive! Congratulations and welcome!

If you have questions or concerns, you can hop into OCD's Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.

Gracias por la bienvenida! <3 <3 <3

You did it! You joined hive , after the first birthday of the platform. So Hi there , welcone 2021 is gonna be a great blogging year, not on the least because you decided to join!
The beginning can be daunting and the tech language sometimes is nervewrecking but believe me it do able ! No it’s not a free get rich quick sceam but you can earn if you are committed. It’s a true movement and blockchain, and I love that you decided to join us here. You will have fun blogging and vlogging I promise. And the garden will have some great tags to blog in about that hobby.
But in the beginning it’s hard and new and maybe you need help. We have amazing people here and a help discord if you need it. I love blogging, been here for three years already. But always be carefull with all your passwords, Never give those up !! I speak from experience !

There are always scams so also here so you have been warned.

Let me know if this was helpfull or if you need more help, see you in Discord
the Terminal. Here is the invite again its totally free,

Greeting from the Netherlands
@ Brittandjosie I use Peakd to post to Hive, but Ecency is also a possibility. It’s a website, mobile and desktop application that improves your experience on Hive. If you are interested for Android download : https://android.ecency.com, for iOS: https://ios.ecency.com, for desktop: https://desktop.ecency.com apps that helps you to connect, and that’s what we do here ! You can also earn to promote and boost your content. Again If you are interested https://ecency.com just some extra information in this early start of your journey here! Last hive.blog is an option too. Good luck with with hive experience and I Will See you around and may you find here what you are looking for. Just remember that all good things come in good time and never giving up is THE key to big succes on the Blockchain. Also you could join the the Terminal discord, as I said before we help there with problems or questions, for free don’t worry. Or visit @heyhaveyamet for more new arrivals, all are in the same phase that might be helpful or reassuring. Newbie exposure in the beginning very important. https://discord.gg/XZGPGpz

Good luck to you as the new arrival, may hive become your new life !


Thanks @brittandjosie your cordial welcome 😃, I will be attentive to your advice, it is really great for me to meet people so kind and willing to help all of us who are just getting to know these wonderful platforms, where investing our effort and time will always be recognized! A hug from Venezuela!

Bienvenida a Hive 😀

Gracias Ayleen!!! Un abrazo!

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De nada @artdelosrios