PAKISTAN came into being on AUGUST 14,1947.Patriotism is a fiery fountain from which springs the sweet stream of love.It is the love for one's country ,nation ,tradition ,laws and even the land.Patriotism is the natural passion.I love my country for its ideology.Probably ,this is the only state in the world that was established on the basis of some ideology.PAKISTAN is an Islamic democratic state.It was created in the name of ISLAM.Its constitution is totally based on Islamic principles.
I love my country for its people.It is the place of great men.It is the place where QUAID E AZAMA had lived.It is the place where ALLAMA IQBAL was born and buried.
It is the place of great warrior like MOHAMMAD MAHMOOD ALAM.
It is the place where the great religious scholars like 'DATA GANJBAKHS ;KHAWAJA GHULAM FAREED and BABA BULLEH SHAH had lived.
And then it is the place where Dr.Abdul Qadeer Khan lives.May ALLAH blessed him with sound health.
I love my country for its beautiful scenery,golden traditions and fertile land.
THE HUNZA VALLEY................
There are many other beautiful places such as shogran ,shandoor and gilgit valley , khulti lake khizar and many others
AND THAN BORIT LAKE...............
There are a lot of things and reasons to love PAKISTAN but i love my country without any reason.PAKISTAN ZINDA BAD.
NOTE:All these pictures have been taken from internet.