We’ve always loved a game of spot the difference. There was always a feeling of excitement during the wait for the newspapers, and then a feeling of accomplishment when all the differences between the two photos were found. But spot the difference isn’t just for kids. You can revisit your childhood, without the seemingly endless wait for the newspaper.
Here’s a whole new way to spot as many differences as you can, but they aren’t any easier than they used to be. If anything, they’ve gotten even harder. So try to spot the difference in the following puzzles.
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#1 - Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
This Spongebob one is another easy one, but you can get your kids to help you if you want!
#2 - Black and White
This puzzle is in black and white, which actually makes it harder to find the differences. Here’s a clue though : Don’t forget about the floral design in the picture on the right.
#3 - This one is a little bit harder...
These images are of Grauman’s Chinese Theatre, and the puzzles are starting to get even harder. Although, here’s one to get you started - the version on the right is missing a window.
#4 - Time to be with the family
This puzzle brings back memories of childhood picnics, and time spent with your family. There’s no clue for this one, but maybe you can get the whole family involved in finding all the differences.
#5 - This machine
This puzzle is one of the most difficult on the list. If you can find even three differences, we’ll be very impressed.
#6 - I bet Mona Lisa was not this hard ;)
The Mona Lisa is perhaps one of the most well known works of art in the world, but can you find all the differences between these two images?
#7 - This one should be easy...
This galaxy puzzle is quite easy, but the next ones get harder and harder.
#8 - Where did the mouse go?
There’s a few differences in this one, but we couldn’t find them all without watching the video at the end.
#9 - Disney is always fun
Another Disney themed one but we’ll give you a clue - pay attention to the ears.
#10 - Everyone loves the Beatles
This iconic Beatles image is one of the more difficult spot the difference puzzles on this list.