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RE: Quit calling them Immigrants. Quit calling them Illegal Immigrants. Call them what they are: Invaders...

in #imigration7 years ago (edited)

Calling immigrants, people who leave their home because of war and genocide invaders is just wrong.
And who is the "they" you are talking about? Is it one, two or thousands of people that you've got to know that raped, murdered? If thats the case may I ask you what kind of person you are that you get in contact with so many of them?

All I can see in that post of yours is generalization. You cant say "they" on a topic like that.
I live in Germany. There are around 1.5 million refugees around here. Would you title them as "they" who rape and murder?
There might be some of them who have the evil character to do so. But you can't say that because one of 100.000 would do it, that everyone would do it.
It's like saying one of 100.000 priests sexually harassed a child - All priests are child rapists. Sound like bullshit hm? But that's exactly what you are doing in your post.

You are looking for an enemy to blame. Nothing else. I don't know what you try to blame one him but doing won't fix your problem.
It's kinda pitiable...

The real question is to who belongs the earth.
Not you, not a state or a government, no state union. It belongs to nobody. People just claim that it belongs to someone and others accept it, or not.


It's kinda pitiable...

So is people blindly falling for appeals to authority and allowing people to convince them that invaders are not invaders.

EDIT: Though I am tired of worrying about offending people, political correctness, etc. That shit is rotting the minds of people around the world.

It is not pity that I have. It is rage at the indoctrination and mass application of propaganda to dumb down the population and make them so ignorant of basic critical thinking, and a good knowledge of history, AND the scientific method.

Aren't all groups of human beings immigrants or invader at some point in time. Does the planet not belong to all people?

No. And nature backs that up. Ants declare territory. Dogs, Cats, Bears, and actually many animals mark and defend their territory.

Also if they move without intent to assimilate into their new environment they are not an immigrant. They are an invader.

Aren't all groups of human beings immigrants or invader at some point in time.

You asked to stick to logic. This statement of yours is what is known as an Appeal to Tradition Fallacy. It is irrelevant what all "groups" of human beings have done. For one thing I am not a collection of people. I am an individual. Immigrants are not to be viewed as a GROUP. They each are individuals. So what groups have or have not done in the past is irrelevant.

That's my point exactly all groups of people have to have done that in the past. It is the nature of species.

It is still an Appeal to Tradition fallacy.

It does not prove that is RIGHT because that is what HAS been done.

If people keep repeating the same stupid thing that doesn't suddenly make it smart.

So are you saying everyone should just stay in the country that they where born in?

This conversation needs to be more logic-based as opposed to political and emotional

You cant say "they" on a topic like that.

I just did. So obviously I CAN. You may not agree with it, but I still CAN.

If they are displaced that does not mean I should allow them into my country and then allow them to ignore the laws of my country and culture because of their culture. If we CHOOSE to give them a home then that is for them to integrate. WE/ME/YOU are not obligated to give any of THEM homes. Yet we can choose to.

Many invaders in the past invaded lands as they fled something else. If they have no intentions of integrating and becoming productive and instead demand their new home change to accommodate them then THEY (see I did it again, so I can) are invaders.

If THEY are invited (regardless of their circumstances because they are irrelevant to the term) then that makes them an immigrant. If they arrive without invitation (aka illegal) then they are invaders.

You can mince words all you want. The actions are what matters. If they do not integrate and they are allowed to RAPE because it is their culture, if we are not allowed to fly our FLAGS because it might offend them, if we tear down our churches because they are against them, but put up mosques/churches/whatever for them.... guess what??? They are invaders. Just because politicians were stupid enough to open the city gates does not change that.

There's never been an example of a refugee group entering a country and ignoring the laws as a collective. These are generally average citizens seeking a new life. An invading army is something else.

I love it when people who throw the idea at me that I should use LOGIC and not emotion are so caught up in using absolutes. You are very fond of the word ALWAYS and in this statement you said NEVER. Here is a clue. Absolutes are rarely true. It is very dangerous LOGICALLY SPEAKING to just casually throw them out there. I would assume based upon this statement you made that you consider yourself an extremely knowledgeable historical scholar who knows EVERY refugee situation in history. I mean that would need to be what you think of yourself if you can confidently throw the word NEVER out there. So since you said I should be logic I'm going to keep calling you out on it. As I will say now that your absolute there is FALSE. Nice try though.

You see the key here is that people tend to call those fleeing an invasion or bad situation REFUGEES.

The problem is if those refugees then enter a country and do not assimilate with that new country and instead take it over then they have also invaded that country.

Hijrah.As @everittdmickey pointed out the Koran itself has a name for invasion by immigration and it is called

Wave of refugees to Europe an "organised invasion" says Czech PM

Kuwaiti Invasion Refugees

Whistleblower Reveals That A UN-Planned Invasion By Refugees Into The US Is Already Underway

There is much more. That is just a bit I found by doing what YOU should do before casually saying NEVER. Yet, since you espouse logic and then use absolutes so casually I thought I'd do some work for you.

Your statements in the various responses here that used the term ALWAYS or NEVER are all false simply due to you choosing to use absolutes. If you want to say MOST or FEW which doesn't make it an absolute then they might be accurate. Yet it is you who stated logic should be used and not emotion.

The real question is to who belongs the earth.

Yeah kind of formulaic an predictable statement.

Ask ants about their territory. Ask dogs, cats, bears, and other animals about marking their territory.

It is part of nature.

Good on you for standing up to the wave of pc dickheads that are all over Steemit choosing to exercise their right to take offense at anything they want to be offended by!

Sounds like something someone would say who generally holds offensive views to the majority of humanity.