The Power Of An Immigrant Mindset

in #immigrant6 years ago

People who was BORN & RAISED (Lived their first 10-15 years) in a 3rd world country knows how shit taste like and how to live in the dirt. We know what is like not to have power, water, Internet for months. My brother and i had our first PC when I was like 13 and big bro barely let me use it. Then i got to fully experience the Internet when I moved to the US, I was 16. (Imagine our kids, they're born with WIFI, not even wired internet)

I recently noticed that after I graduated HS I got too used to the American way of life. I kinda forgot where I came from. I kinda forgot of how I had it back home. I never had a phone and when i came to the US, I was able to buy the first Sidekick phone by T-Mobile IN 2 WEEKS! ($300) as an immigrant kid, it blew my mind. I got used to having power, water, Internet, medicine, AC, Heater 24/7. I got used to having the 1st Responders (911) responding immediately and hospitals with the doors opened 24/7.

I recently realized how easy I have it compared to how my brother, mom and dad had it when they were my age. I personally, le voy a bajar algo to the materialistic things and I will regain my roots but with the mentality that I have today and now being a citizen and living in one of the richest country in the world, The United States of America.

I will unsubscribed from all of the BS monthly membership, I won't be a zombie of those entertainment platforms anymore that i don't really need or recall needing it when I was in DR bedises the gym. I will invest every penny/crypto in my personal development and traveling the world, Because those are the things that i will pass on to my future children. They will have to earn their own money and when I die, those are the memories that I will take with me.

I want to encourage Immigrants all over the world, specially my Dominican people, because we are the most materialistic ones and anybody with a little IQ on finance knows that you just deeply in debt and the banks are loving it (just wait). I don't want to wait to "succeed" because people are just waiting for your results to see if they can join you or not. In fact, I'm seeking for failures (seriously) so I could see some true colors. I want to find those immigrants with the right mindset so we can work together, grow together and get the same results together. If I can have this mindset today knowing how bad of a lair, player and bullshitter I used to be. I know I can find another person like that, or at least he/she hasn't made that mindset shift YET, Its POSSIBLE!

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger said once when he was the major of California, "Latinos don't dream, they work 40hr/w & then go home to sit on a couch to watch other people achieve their dreams on TV." I don't know about you! But that TRUTH bothered me as I was watching a baseball game. They're counting us out! And im ready to prove them WRONG! at least not in my household.


Si tu pasado es algo parecido al mio y tuviste la oportunidad de venir a vivir a los Estados Unidos y puedes trabajar, ya eres éxitoso, piensalo y compara tu vida con la de esos 7,000+ caravana de inmigrantes caminando hacia US. lo que obtengas después no son mas que bonos. No nos podemos comparar con él que fue nacido y criado aquí. Ellos dependen de este sistema y es algo normal para ellos. Pero nosotros los inmigrantes apenas adoptamos este sistema y venimos desde abajo no importa de que país vengas y esa es nuestra ventaja y nuestro súper poder mentar. TAP INTO IT! and DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT PEOPLE'S OPINIONS. Ready, set GO!