What Nobody Is Saying About the Child Immigrant Camps

in #immigration7 years ago

It's bizarre, because it seems so obvious yet nobody is talking about it, not even mentioning it in passing.

The polar, Establishment Red vs. Blue Team argument - which again I think this whole thing is designed around to exploit (as usual), is:

Red Team Position : "this is a bureaucratic problem, created by bureaucracy, and immigrants coming across the border illegally".

Blue Team Position: "this is an untenable human rights abuse akin to Nazi concentration camps, or at best the WWII internment camps, and must stop immediately".

The Red Team angle reveals the inherent sociopathy that seems to be the stock and trade for them. The sheer non-empathy in their replies, combined with their seeming obliviousness to just how coarse and inhumane their position is, reveals the truth of just how inculcated sociopaths are in the Red Team. They don't have the faintest clue how sociopathic they appear to be -

unfortunately this is another thing nobody points out. I think this explains the longstanding 49/51 voting split "problem": our society hinges on "sociopaths vs. non-sociopaths". Sorry, I digress.

The Blue Team angle is just stating reality. The problem is nobody is offering a solution, or appearing to want to take a stand to change it.

What's more telling is that their leaders are treating it as Just Another Bureaucratic Problem. "We'll make a show of walking up to the front door and knock, then have a press conference about how bad it is". Really? That's all you're going to do, as LEADERS OF OUR GOVERNMENT? Again - Here Be Sociopaths.

Unfortunately again, we non-sociopaths have a hard time spotting them, and even believing that that is indeed what the score is. Politicians do not care about anything but themselves, and take advantage of YOU being blind to this.

Here's my point:

The Blue Team retort SHOULD be "why don't you take the money being spent on these camps - and future camps, and their infrastructure and operation - and use it at the border to help streamline the actual, legitimate immigration process itself?"

They can make these camps, spend money to run them (which is the real story...) - but you can't make it easier for the people that want to live here become legal through due process?

Why not....?

We know why not:

  1. there is no money to me made from it.
  2. furthermore it will make Cheap Manual Labor not so cheap anymore.
  3. the racists will have no reason to discriminate against Mexicans.

THAT is reality.

The "emergency" shouldn't be deporting illegal immigrants, but helping them legally get in. It costs thousands of dollars and forever to do it legally, we all know this, right? There is zero reason for that aside from what is in my list above.

The solution to the "problem" of people wanting to live here is the same as it's always been. There was Ellis Island at one time to deal with what amounts to the same situation, but now nobody talks about making it easier, handling the number of people. People who are not going away, and are HUMANS that want to live here.

Make it undeniably easy to do it right to become U.S. citizens, THEN have your Establishment Red vs. Blue Team arguments. There is no reason for this to even BE an argument except nobody - for some reason - wants to talk about fixing the structural issue that has created this mess: for no good reason it costs too much and takes too long to become a U.S. citizen!.


The future will demand all borders to be extinguished. That is the truth, like it or not.

As long as there are sovereign states there will be "borders" in one manner or another. That is the truth, like it or not.

But should there be sovereign states? Considering that everybody in the world is equally humans with equal rights? That is a philosophical question.

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