Visualization, Imagination, and Problem Solving: My dad used to say "Put yourself in their shoes" [DACA, Immigration, etc]

in #immigration7 years ago (edited)

For the vast portion of my life I have followed the advice my father gave me "Put yourself in their shoes." I actually was able to understand what that meant. It meant to imagine I was them and in their situation. In reality it was a perceptual visualization technique and I do believe it is very useful.

I believe it is important to try to put yourself proverbially in as many different shoes for perspectives as you can.

I am going to use a variation on that technique within this post. It is important to note that using this technique is designed to help you perhaps understand different point of views. That does not mean you have to agree with all of them. It doesn't mean some of them might not be bad point of views. It does not mean certain ones are good ones. That is still up to you as an individual to determine on your own. The main goal of visualizing other points of view is to give yourself more information and ideas to help you make the decision that best fits you as an individual.

Begin Visualization

For the purpose of this particular post I want you to visualize your home, apartment, dorm, or wherever you live as a nation. This visualization will be useful for revealing some perspectives. You and those who live there have an income that they each use to buy food, pay for medical, etc. The maintenance of the house is paid for by taking a fixed percentage of income from each person that lives there every month and applying it to a pool. This should be considered like taxes for the purpose of this visualization.

Early after this house had been constructed your family moved into the house. There were some people saying, "That is a nice house, can we move in too?" Your family interviewed them and a few of them had very good skills and attitudes that would benefit the household. Your family told them IF they were willing to take on the values of the family, and essentially be adopted by the family they were welcome. More people asked. The family thought it through and realized they didn't have the resources and income to just take all these people.

Fast forward a few generations.

One of your ancestors is walking around the house and happens to see three people in a corner with blankets. There are crumbs from the things they ate from the cabinet. Who are these people? They are family that walked into your house and decided to live here. Some of the family members living there say "That's not right, they just came in, and started eating our food and decided they are going to live here." One of your descendants says "Hey, now, that is not very compassionate!" which SHAMED people and made them reconsider. "Okay, they can stay". The next day the amount of people in that corner had increased. They had told their other members of their family that they were allowed to stay so more people they knew walked in and took up camp in the home, and began eating the food.

The ancestors at first out of charity began purchasing more food. It was the charitable thing to do, but it was also survival. If they didn't buy more food they themselves would starve because these new people had been eating food.

Then there were messes all over the house and some walls being torn down. This was not your ancestors way, or even your family. They try to challenge the growing number of people, and are challenged by "Are you a bigot, is your bigotry coming out, is that why you don't want us bringing our culture and our ways?" Gulp, more of that SHAMING thing. "I thought when you moved in you liked our house and wanted to be part of our culture." The person nods and grins "We never said that. In fact you never asked us. You just let us live here. Now this place is ours." Your ancestors were beginning to see something was dreadfully wrong. They felt shame over perhaps such thoughts they were having as not being compassionate, or trying to force others to your view.

Some of your ancestors began to speak past the shame "We created this house and we did allow others to move in. They learned to be part of our family, they interviewed, they brought skills, and they actually lifted us all. We turned away people that didn't fit, and we also set a limit to how fast we could accept people without putting us all into danger. Now we simply let anyone come in, and they are not learning our ways they are forcing theirs upon us in our own house."

"Hold up! That sounds like bigotry" as the shame tactic once again comes into play.

"But, it is not. I am worried about survival. I am worried that we respected rules we all agreed to and followed them, yet now we are being shamed into supporting those who clearly respect no boundaries except those they brought with them in their own culture."

"Yep, that is definitely your bigotry poking out it's head. I am surprised, I didn't really expect you to be a bigot"

This went on and the tensions rose. Things were tighter financially. Then some of these newcomers and there were more of them now than before, suddenly needed clothing and medical, and things like that. They didn't have the money but if it wasn't done then their sickness and condition would impact everyone that lived in the house. It is also important to remember the compassion.

The house passed a new rule and increased the monthly amount each person must pay, except for these new people as they had no way to pay that. This extra money now could be used to clothe these people, provide them medical, etc. Your ancestors though, they had much less and they were finding they worked more and had less to show for it. They still ate, yet perhaps they didn't eat as well. Some of your ancestors even began to wonder if they could just stop doing the same work they are and also get some of the benefits of these new fees. This was quickly squashed as the rule was changed so those extra funds could only go to those newcomers, and the established ancestors could not use them.

Things were getting bad. Your ancestors culture was gradually being removed not by consensus, but simply by attrition and the fact that they had to follow rules, and they were shamed into helping those that did not follow them.

This continued until a descent into the lowest levels possible. Some of your ancestors starved. Some of the newcomers began to work a bit harder, and eventually it all leveled out and the newcomers now were the homesteaders and they closed the door. They even convinced some of your ancestors that if they didn't like it they should move as they pushed them through the door and closed it behind them.

Visualization Ended

This was an imaginary visualization of my own putting the concept of ILLEGAL immigration, immigration, and things like DACA into perspective.

These days people will SHAME others by saying they are against "immigration" and how that is what our country was founded upon.

Our country technically was founded upon the ashes and blood of indigenous cultures, but let's step past that. The country the United States of America is indeed a melting pot built by immigration. The key is that the immigration was controlled and LEGAL. People had to petition. They had to attend classes, learn the history, learn the language, etc and they could become citizens. Before that they had to have papers that said they could be here. There was a fixed amount of people allowed to immigrate each year that was calculated to not stress the economy and allow the people to integrate and become part of it and perhaps even lift it. This was LEGAL immigration.

I don't know of anyone that is protesting LEGAL immigration. I do not know anyone that is recommending laws that ban LEGAL immigration. These are indeed some of the things this nation was built upon.

The problem we have and have had for awhile is that illegal people with no requirements to integrate, no requirements to have skills that benefit the rest of us, no requirements to follow employment laws so they can get jobs from citizens who are willing to break the law and employ them to their own benefit(aka under the table), etc.

DACA is hot in the news. It was created by Obama as an Executive Order. This means congress did not create it. It is designed to grant money to the children of ILLEGAL immigrants. They can illegally come here and the government will pay for their children to be educated. I'd want to immigrate here illegally as well if there were services like that. The children are not required to integrate, or anything like that.

Yet it is also important to remember one more thing about the government. It is good at producing only a few things. Waste, War, and Rules (laws). It actually doesn't produce anything on its own that is worth money.

So where does the money to pay for the illegal immigrants and the programs supporting them come from? One of two places.

Taxes. Meaning they take the money from citizens income, from property tax, from sales tax, etc. These are all things you cannot avoid paying unless you want to move out of the country (and you'll do the same elsewhere) or end up in prison or dead. So they are acquired by coercion, acquiescence, and force.

The second is debt. The government borrows money to pay for the things. What does this do? Well the only way they could ever pay off this debt is with the taxes since they don't produce things. This devalues the currency. It leads to what is called inflation, and in bad cases hyper inflation. It is very hurtful to the people that live there.

The problem is that we've become a people that are easy to shame. If you can push the buttons and say someone is a racist, is a bigot, is not compassionate, is a monster, etc. Then people usually give in.

Yet there needs to be rational thought. A person not doing something or allowing a thing can be for a much better reason than that. Perhaps they THINK before they do things. Perhaps they look at life like a boat, and if it springs leaks they try to fix it and stop them. If they purely gave into compassion odds are that the boat will sink.

So some things are done because it is STUPID not to do them.

The problem is compassion, shaming, and virtue signalling seem to rule the lands these days. People are more than content to do STUPID things as long as it makes them seem compassionate and gives them something to virtue signal about.

Illegal immigration is a problem. Now as a would be anarcho-capitalist I'd like to see a time where such concepts would not matter so much, but they still would because an ancap believes in property rights. Situations such as occurred in my visualization at the beginning of this post shouldn't happen even in ancap, because someone moving onto your property without your say so can be forcefully ejected. Ancaps practice the non-aggression principle. Yet they still believe in defense of themselves and their property.

We are in a quick downward slide along the compassionate slide of stupidity. We need to STOP, and THINK.

Sometimes we need to be brave enough to say "Being stupid has nothing to do with compassion!"


I was going to write a whole essay but I realized I need to put this more simply and I hope you can agree.

  1. When you complain you make yourself the victim, leave the situation, change the situation, or accept it. All else is madness.

If you want to change the situation there are many very good solutions, I am sure you wouldn't be willing to do many of them, but there is probably one thing you wont mind doing, and that is where my idea comes in.

Mexico, or all of America has suffered the wrath of a long forgotten and seemingly eliminated history of genocide, the destruction of many lives as well as knowledge and three of the worlds most powerful tools which were imposed on the Native people. These tools alone are powerful but like a hammer can be used for building countless homes or crushing many skulls. Unfortunately these three tools have been in the worse hands for many years, these tools are Religion, Law, and Money. Because of the fact that these tools are in control by a dark and powerful malice, the Natives suffered greatly to this, many people were threatened either of having their family killed or even their entire community killed if they or their group did not convert to the religion. Now these people live under the justified rule of this malice with "Laws" imposed and money being the main way to survive. So what is the solution?

I would love to propose the propagation of a world without Government, without Money, and Without Religion, actually that is what I would propose but I understand that too few have the capacity to transcend beyond material gain, and having luxuries such as a Ferrari or whatever consumerist bullshit can be thought of. So I will give a solution that is hopefully more simple. Mexico needs to learn to feed itself without Money for starters. This can be achieved by planting food forests and food parks where anyone can walk in and reap the fruits. If this was done on a mass scale, not only would you reduce hunger and poverty, but crime as well. I should not have to explain how hunger and poverty are directly related to crime, please do some deep thinking if you don't understand this concept. Now that you have reduced all these things, the people can be ready to know what it is like to have no Government, and so you can proceed from there but the first step is most important and it is not that hard. All that must be done is to make a community sustainable, a community that can produce everything it needs, to localize everything that can possibly be localized. With one example, you will actually end up having the model solution for the rest of the world. If the entire world could localize everything and produce everything it needs, it will not only increase local sustainability but the worlds resources will be less vulnerable. All that is needed after the world takes the example of planting food forests/parks, is the legalization of Hemp. Hemp is a superfood, superplant capable of many things. With it, a community could produce its own toilet paper, its own clothing, rope, biodiesel, livestock feed, hempcrete, medicine, paper, and much more all while converting CO2 4x more efficiently. Further, the seeds could prevent malnutrition because they contain all the essential amino acids in a perfect balance. The list goes on. Once those two things are at play, you will have solved many problems. The main reason people immigrate to the US is because they see the movies and TV shows where everyone in the US lives in an extreme amount of comfort, and no doubt this is true, for comfort is the very tool that the government or the powers that be use to keep people calm and complacent while innocent people around the world die to the war machine of this empire of malice. Taxation is theft, the US dollar is debt designed to enslave people, honestly people shouldn't even want to immigrate to the worlds most vile and evil place. If people knew this they might not want to immigrate, so there you have another solution (inform the people that it is not what they think it is). Many people go to make more money because everywhere else around the world the minimum wage is really low, and especially Mexico. Another solution is for EVERYONE IN THE WORLD TO HELP EACH OTHER LOL.

If the US helped MX grow for real, including the minimum wage there would be no need for people to immigrate. Anyway back to the point, if people around the world realized they didn't need money to survive, they might also want to do that where they are. I have been around the world and know that the life people live is truly amazing there are many unique and beautiful things about each place that makes one wish they could live there. Many people give up this beautiful life only to betray it for the sake of making dollars which are ultimately the preferred form of slavery that also fuels the psychopathic war machine.

Money is not the problem. It is a tool. As with any tool it can be used for good, or bad. The hammer for example can be used to build, but it can also be used to attack and kill.

Money is a tool. It makes it so there is a universal mechanism for trade and by doing so it makes near instantaneous response to changes in supply/demand possible. Without it you need central planning instead and that is totally unrealistic. There are far too many moving parts, components, and they are being created faster than they can be written down. Money as a tool provided a way to adapt to the vast ever expanding numbers of parts, services, components, and the way things are combined. Central planning cannot do that. If a God exists and is omniscient that might be able to do it but that's about it.

You see the problem is not with money which is a tool. The problem is in the minds of people. They are the ones who decide how they will use that tool. If you remove money then the people who think the ways that make money bad will only exploit other things and find power other ways. If you wish to fix the problem people associate with money it is not by removing money. It is by studying the motivations in the minds of people that lead them to decide to use the tool for malevolent purposes.

Reading your post I forgot for a minute you had DACA in mind, it seemed like you were writing about the immigration problems in Europe.
One other thing - why do I have the feeling that many of these illegals do not plan to make a living in the US by getting regular jobs, but by other means? The reason I'm asking this - I have both friends and family in the US, all LEGAL law-abiding hard-working citizens and all they got out of the American dream is debts and bills. But as I said they're law-abiding...

why do I have the feeling that many of these illegals do not plan to make a living in the US by getting regular jobs, but by other means

We had protests here the other day about DACA and some speakers said they were here undocumented. Essentially they were standing on stage saying they did not obey the laws of our country in order to come here. If we tried that in Mexico or other places we'd end up in jail or worse.

DACA gives free education and social programs to eligible children of immigrants 15 years of age or older with most being 20 or older. The citizens of this country don't have anything like that. Yet we are giving that to people that are not even here legally. That is what the program that is being cancelled grants. People are protesting that.

That kind of makes the legal citizens of this country slaves to the illegals. We must give up our income, property tax, etc to pay for these illegals to have programs that the citizens don't even have.

A lot of people protesting it are also protesting it because so much of their labor is illegal labor. Why are they protesting? They pay them under the table and don't have to pay attention to minimum wage laws or anything like that.

Strangely this was the same thing that they argued about when we were getting rid of slavery. You can't get rid of their inexpensive labor!!!!

Simple... enforce immigration, follow the laws, and get rid of minimum wage.

If citizens are willing to work for a lower wage that should be between them and their employer. Yet if you can't find anyone to work for you at that wage then that's the employer's problem and it is not justification for allowing illegals here who will work for less.

A lot of them actually send that money back to Mexico where it purchases a lot more than the dollars do here.

I don't know anyone against LEGAL immigration. Yet that is how those that don't like the cancellation of DACA, talking about border walls, etc.

Those things are ONLY a threat to those who break the laws. They are no threat to people who come here legally.

So anyone protesting the removal of DACA (not even constitutionally passed), the protecting of our borders, and the deportation of people that are here illegally are basically subjectively deciding when it is okay to break the law.

Yet DACA makes it worse. That makes it so people like you and I pay for those people that are here illegally to get education and social help that is not even available to you, and I, or our children.

brother i upvote you,your post was amazing and very lengthy.keep it up...

Nice post
Postingan @dwinblood saya tebus

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@dwinblood the idea of" visualisation" and "visualisation ended "is unique and the facts in your post about immigration are very interesting. I like this post .

Everyone should be respected as an individual, but no one idolized.

- Albert Einstein

great quote

my frustration and anger are preventing me from writing as clearly as you do on this subject; kudos and reSteemed.

I would like to add an additional visualization regarding compassion:
Suppose your daughter was murdered by someone who was not supposed to be in the country in the first place? How would you feel?

I don't think that all illegals are mala in se criminals, but policies that give blanket protection to all illegals protect mala in se criminals by default.

Compassion, indeed. But for who?

thank you for bringning up such an qualitative post..


I have posted a potential way out of this mess. Please review my plan and offer constructive criticism to improve it.