People speaking Spanish doesn't make me uncomfortable. A persons language, color, or custom is of no concern to me...
But what does make me uncomfortable is when I'm labeled a bigot because I don't understand the language or customs of a guest while living within the four walls of my home, and by extension, the borders of my own country.
I shouldn't be expected to understand the language of every person who visits where I live. I would expect them to learn mine. When I visit another country, I don't expect them to roll out the red carpet and treat me with kid gloves. I'm a guest in their home at that point. It's up to me to learn the customs, language, and laws of their region. If I slip up at some point, shame on me! I would expect anyone else to extend to me the same courtesy...
Is that bigotry? Because where I come from, we just call that simple manners...

that's a good inspiration