
you said it! individuals! = voluntaryism

Awesome video! I like those quick Mexican border segments.

I agree with you on this. It's a matter of principle, not pragmatism. How many times do we have to see people argue for pragmatism within the context of aggressive statism before correctly identifying them as statists, or at least state sympathizers? There's simply no excuse for trying to legitimize any aspect of statism rather than continue to delegitimize it. It's a failed proposition, no matter how loud the echo is from ignorant "followers."

I was a little reluctant to watch this because of the length, but I'm glad I did. Good job. Stick with your principles, especially if they're sound. You'll sleep better at night.

Awesome video! You stated it quite well! I'm with you my friend! The whole "Anarchists for Trump and enforced State borders" group are espousing enigmas contained within contradictions. They do not seem to align with the Voluntaryist property ethic. I remain steadfast to my principles. National borders are a fiction and Statism is the illegitimate belief in authority. State enforced borders and Voluntaryism are mutually exclusive concepts. To assume both simultaneously is logical contradiction. Keep up the awesome work! Cheers! :-)

if they don't exist, what's there to open or close?

That is basically my position.

I believe that if the borders were removed tomorrow, and the state remained in full force, it is possible that much chaos could ensue. I don't believe it would be "wrong" if the illegitimate borders were removed, but I don't advocate the existence of a state at all.

I don't vote for walls. I don't kill border patrol agents.

I want to spread the message of Voluntaryism, encourage people to disobey, to not comply, to practice counter economics, and to protect themselves and their families, ignoring and starving the state in every way possible until it is irrelevant.

I fully agree that the only legitimate borders are those that encircle private property. What I don't understand, I guess, is what the open border position is then. To say that the border should be open because the state is a fictitious entity whose borders are arbitrary doesn't make any sense; an open border presupposes the existence of said arbitrary borders.

The only way one can advocate for an open border is as part of the state paradigm. To argue that there shouldn't be force used against people moving across unowned land absent a state obviates the need to advocate for open borders, as no borders of the type one is advocating to open exist. If they don't exist, what's there to open or close?

an open border presupposes the existence of said arbitrary borders.

This is an excellent point. I agree 100%. Thank you for elucidating that for me. I think this is maybe where the breakdown in communication between the two camps is happening. I am advocating the dissolution if the state, and thus, state "borders." The other camp often assumes I advocate state open borders. I do not.

That has to be where it's happening. I can't tell you how many people I've seen declaring emphatically that the state must be abolished only to turn around and declare "we" need "open borders." If the state is abolished, there's no border to open, so the argument for an open border is obviated. I'm glad I could help :)

I didn't understand why this argument had to be made because it is so obvious to any voluntaryist/anarcho-capitalist that state borders are simply a violently enforced fiction, just like any other state "authority." Anyone who thinks there is any legitimacy to "public" property or state borders is simply a statist rather than an anarchist. I understand that there is at least one formerly respected anarchist thinker who has become a statist and Trump supporter (which is a great tragedy), but I didn't realize there were so many statists calling themselves voluntaryists. I thought calling for "open borders" was the same as recognizing the non-legitimacy of state borders, but now I understand that they are very different stances and the cause of much misunderstanding.