I don't deny that the state is violence.
But given two choices - open borders and closed borders, the debate is which creates the greater violation of the NAP. The answer is clearly the former.
Open borders means higher welfare requirements which means either higher taxes or higher deficits - which is just deferred taxation OR financial collapse.
Closed borders and the expulsion of illegals creates far less NAP violation. They're in the country illegally (ie trespassing) and they know it. They knowingly came here illegally. They knowingly accepted the fruits of stolen money (ie welfare). They deserve expulsion.
This isn't a debate about voluntaryism. It is a debate about the more preferable of two shitty options in an environment of coercion.
I reject your argument. Reducing state violence is the moral course of action & your contention is to further the states agression. I would lessen the states violent coersion on the citizens & traveler alike. Remove the artificial incentive & let people be free. You are on the side of the state on this one... I'll never be on their team. Even if there is a bit of "discomfort" for a short time. Better the growing pains of liberty than the chafing of chains.