If the first government agent kicking in your door with gun drawn "appears" to "intend" to commit a violent act against you and your family and your dog, and your parakeet, and maybe hampster... are you morally justified in shooting him, but NOT the 22 armed agents standing just outside your door who MAY look like they intend to enter to finish the job?
Uh, in what way would you NOT deduce that the other 22 armed trespassers also intended to harm you? What was that supposed to be analogous to?
I think he wanted to ask whether we are justified in committing response to the SWAT team currently engaging the family vs all of them in the existence. The answer is clear.
They ALL intended to forcibly enter your home and do whatever it may have been that they intended to force upon you.. They ALL deserve swift justice. Any other answer and you fit into the other categories..