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INCOCHAIN desires to facilitate some new business via INCOCHAIN. Let me know if you are interested, but we have a lot of work to do. We want to try to find buyers and sellers, third party logistics companies, and match up the buyers and sellers via the dashboard.
We are working on a prototype of short stack of INCOCHAIN smart contracts (for example INCOCHAIN Smart EXW), a tracking and tracing block explorer, and live time cost calculator to PROVE live costs (oraclized) between hard currencies and cryptocurrencies, if not specific to Ethereum or other blockchains. We are working to prove or disprove the total costs in live time, including currency exchange differential versus buyer and seller accepting cryptocurrency. While the Big Boys focus on blockchain for hard currencies and the established institutions, we will work to advance cryptocurrency and maybe move into their territory. The world needs a little friendly competition.
We also will be requiring an abitration department! And we don't want to have ANY conflict of interest, so we need third party arbitration, escrow, and multisig capabilities, and are looking to partner with law firms or curators.
We are an early stage start up and have a lot of work.
If anybody is interested or wishes to provide feedback, we are open to everything and want to make the best decisions and will keep all options on the table.
We do hope to improve standards, create the competitive edge, friendly world trade, and create a movement to end child labor, illegal logging, illegal fishing, and illegal poaching. We wish to facilitate trade, be it fair trade or organic farming, work with trade associations, and farming cooperatives, yet we wish to forge our niche in the marketplace with smart contracts via the INCOCHAIN dashboard.
We will also look for profit centers with tailor made campaigns and consulting specific to the needs of customers and players in world trade, importers, exporters, manufacturers, or anybody that needs help in integrating INCOCHAIN with their existing business model.
We need our first customer! We may be looking at a campaign to find that first customer with an understanding that we need some snapshots to prove how the dashboard works, including some costs, so it must be considered between buyer and seller in advance, but we aren't ready with that campaign yet, but we will need to prove the live time cost calculator to prove cryptocurrency and the efficiencies of INCOCHAIN versus hard currencies and existing world trade, which is full of paperwork and inefficiencies.
Got feedback? We want to hear it!