You have to be sure the man you are about saying yes to, is honest with you, with his words and his actions. If he’s deceitful to you in the course of the relationship then you shouldn’t expect anything better when you bear his name. Your man has to be honest with you, he has to be true to you; lying shouldn’t be an option, unfaithfulness also, deceit shouldn’t even be in the picture; it’s surprising some ladies even say yes to men that they don’t really know much about. You have to know your man deep down.
I’m one of those who kick against ladies that are only there for the money but it also doesn’t mean you should sign your death certificate and enter a marriage headed for poverty. Your man should be able to pay the bills at least, even if he can’t afford most things at that point, you have to be sure he has prospects and future plans in that regard. Do not get married to a man without money and without a plan to make money; trust me, poverty and marriage is almost like a death sentence.
This is one thing many ladies fail to analyse before saying yes to a man; a man’s temperament is very important; if he can’t control his anger then one person would suffer severely from it, and that is you. Don’t get married to a man that would turn you to his punching bag, it isn’t worth the hassle. If he can’t control his temper then you are at risk of coming into harm’s way; domestic violence is no fun.
Does he love you genuinely? Can he go the extra mile for your sake? Is he honest about his feelings for you? Does he think you are special? Would his love stand the test of time or is it just ordinary? These questions are important questions you should be sure of before that ring slips into your finger.
The previous four tips centred mainly on the man but it doesn’t just end there, it shouldn’t be all about him. Many ladies have gotten married when they are so unsure of the feelings they have for their man. You have to be sure you actually love that man; there is no negotiating this, if you don’t love him then there should be no need. Marriage is no small affair; time would come when the chips would be so down and the only thing that would keep you going is your love for him; so if the love isn’t real then the marriage won’t last.
Marriage is different from a relationship; you might be ready for a relationship but you might not be ready for marriage; to have a successful marriage, you should be willing to take a lot of sacrifices and if you aren’t ready for those sacrifices then you absolutely aren’t ready for marriage.
Compatibility is one measure that would eventually lead to a successful marriage. The issue of compatibility shouldn’t be taken for granted; when couples are compatible, their marriage is blissful and a joy to watch but when compatibility is lacking in that marriage, it turns to a cat and dog affair.
You have to sort yourself out before you say yes to a man; the dilemma of being married and still in love with someone else is one that you should avoid. If he isn’t the only one your heart is set out for then you shouldn’t hurriedly say yes else you would successfully start a journey where the end point would be total fatality.
Not to play the role of judge and jury, but you have to satisfy your conscience for the reasons you choose to say yes to him. If your reasons aren’t good enough then you should know that he isn’t your man but like the fifth tip pointed out, if your feelings are genuine then you should give it a go. Don’t get lured into marriage for the wrong reasons, they won’t last; you would probably get tired of them at a point; marriage is supposed to be a lifetime event, if you get married for the wrong reasons then at some point it would eventually tell.
You might be wondering if you should think all these things through within a split second before saying yes; that really shouldn’t be the case; all these factors should be evaluated while the relationship is still ongoing, you don’t have to wait till he brings out a ring.
With proper evaluation of these factors, you would know if you’re ready and if he’s ready too. Rushing into marriage with him might be too risky as divorce might loom about that marriage not too long after if you aren’t careful.
Relationship Matters & Goals cares.