
This is accounts created chart - looks a little better as there is an uptrend through the lows

Found here

Cool, I was lazy to update the post and add that. Thanks @carrinm

I understand the signups are going back but I did notice a lot of account that posted a month ago and never updated. That is why I was looking at the updates per day. In a sense you're probably right. If the amount of new users grow, the amount of daily updates should too.

Not if people don't stay. A person will only put so much time in learning the SteemIt Quality BS, before they realize nobody can find it.

I think you're misunderstanding the graph. Account updates are things like changing your password (due to being hacked). You want to look at things like posts, comments, edits, deletes. Although even those charts are quite noisy because bots can do all of those things with unlimited attention.

Really? Then what's the chart for recovery requests? I thought the account updates per day was referring to how many people are updating a post a day.

The chart of recovery requests is what it says it is. Recovery requests and account updates (which includes key changes) are not the same thing in this case.