Well, I know what a Kundalini awakening is now,....have I experienced it? No. At least not in its real sense. I doubt I can focus long enough to achieve that at this stage of my life. But I will make sure to chase it now that I know about it.
"Developmental Angst regarding the uncertainty of our destinies". Wow, @imp.unity. Ralph Waldo Emerson said something about that too, something about "no matter how tall the Himalayas and how deep deep ocean trenches get, the earth remains spherical"
Thats science if you ask me. So, we will prevail.
I hear that loud n clear bro
Ralph Emerson! Haha my mom always goes on about him! I've never read anything of his though. Wow, you are seriously educated man. I'm glad to have you among my midst..
Kundalini awakening is not something we chase, it's something we allow to find us when the time is right...
When we are truly ready to stop fighting ourselves, and just be 100% complete within our own being... We will find a powerful alignment... It's a rush of energy that starts from the bottom of our spine, and literally blows our mind wide open and expands our awareness to the entire cosmos.
I wrote about my kundalini awakening I experienced at 18 here
If you are interested, maybe my experience would maybe paint a nice picture of what it felt like to me.
I believe this is the experience that all great mystics have undergone... Jesus in particular.. We also call a kundalini awakening an experience of "Christ Consciousness" or "Unity Consciousness"...
It's when you realize You are God and he is You and you've just been believing you are a little human trapped in a little meat body and then you realize you are the Entire Cosmos focused on one specific point.
As Rumi said: ‘You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the almighty ocean in a drop.’