Original: Insight Chain
Insight Chain (INB)
Insight Chain is the next generation of commercial basic public blockchain, aiming at establishing the world's first data ecosystem public blockchain with infinite scalability by realizing a secure and efficient blockchain system, as well as business data’s structural storage onto blockchain and transaction, and truly supporting high-concurrency Internet applications’ operation on the
▶ Public Blockchain ◀
I. INB Public Blockchain
- Some configuration parameters are written into the block header and corresponding checks are added to ensure self-interpretation of the block.
- Optimization of voting logic: When the mortgaged INB changes, the voting number of nodes will be automatically updated.
- VDPoS Optimization: Before the committing, judge whether it is one’s turn to generating block, thus saving computing resources.
- Optimization of payment-on-behalf function.
- Redefine resources in conjunction with smart contracts.
- Optimize the interface and coordinate with the joint debugging of ecological projects on the chain.
- Resolve the situation that transaction data in the package block is void.
- Update super nodes, interfaces of candidate nodes and interactions with the underlying MPT.
- Encode and process the data at the block header to reduce transmission space and increase efficiency.
- Try to embed Wasm virtual machine into INB Public Blockchain, and deploy solidity smart contract based on EVM as well as c/c++ smart contract based on Wasm.
- Try to embed the Schnoor algorithm into the INB Public Blockchain, add the c++ package of Schnoor algorithm, and use Cgo to complete the call.
▶ Ecosystem ◀
I. Insight DApp - The Insight DApp Wallet can support assets in any currency to launch in Insight, and can carry out coin withdrawal. The development has been completed.
- The Insight's main activity - Knowledge Talent Competition – added awards in other currencies.
- The development of Insight's function of Report Editing Management Platform, which is open to analysts, is suspended, and the UI modification on Insight's official website is started.
- The prototype of Insight DApp transaction data’s storage onto blockchain have been reviewed, and it is now under development.
- The function of Insight DApp users to create their own questionnaires is currently under development.
II. Insight Research Institute - This week, a total of 21 questionnaires were launched, including 7 hotspot survey questionnaires, 7 market questionnaires, and 7 investor sentiment questionnaires.
- Insight's "Eagle Program" is continuing to help professional block chain financial analysts grow. Hundreds of thousands of INB will be officially offered as incentives for analysts. Welcome to joining us. For the latest news of the activity, please pay attention to the notice of official community.
▶ Operations ◀ - Insight issued and recycled 8,496 questionnaires this week.
- The number of participants in Insight's community rating has reached 6,202, with BTC score of 7.40, ETH score of 7.33 and USDT score of 7.27 (Ten-point system) so far.
- As one of the ecological members of the INB Blockchain, INB SHOP enriches the application scenarios of INB, and meanwhile forms a closed loop of user experience from “investigating = mining” to commodity exchange. Since go-live, 877 orders have been completed, with a cumulative turnover of 47,863 INB. Last week, the turnover is 857 INB, up 52.75% week on week. In addition to the time-limited commodity exchange function, INB SHOP will offer a fair-price commodity on a daily basis and an off-price commodity on every Friday to meet the needs of more INB mining users.
Contact Us
WeChat Official Account: InsightChain
Official Website: http://www.insightchain.io BiYong (Chinese Community): http://0.plus/InsightChain_CN BiYong (Global Community): http://0.plus/InsightChain Sina Weibo: @InsightChain https://weibo.com/u/6394744395 Twitter: @Insight Chain https://twitter.com/InsightChain Facebook: @InsightChain https://www.facebook.com/InsightChain-339432310287132/ Medium: https://medium.com/@insightchain Steemit: https://steemulant.com/@insightchain Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Insight_Chain/