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RE: Incredible You! - Learn Your Mantra Hypnotise Your Way To Success

in #incredibleyou7 years ago

I do EFT (tapping therapy), which is like self-hypnosis, also affirmations and things from the book Ask And It Is Given, about feeling well and healthier, whenever I feel sick to my stomach or iffy and it helps right away.

I don'T have a mantra though. I'm not sure what that could be, I guess I'll have to discover myself soem more.


It sounds like you're pretty much there already, affirmations are very similar. I guess the main difference is you're expanding on those affirmations and trying to make your mantra include words that spark you into action.

Like you said you have to discover it yourself, that's why I only put a couple of loose guidelines when it comes to actually choosing the words.

Take your time, it could come to you in a flash, or slowly over days or even weeks. Once you're thinking about it though, it will happen :-)


Cool, thanks. I'll try not to spend too much time trying to think one up. Hopefully and AHA moment will arise and I'll have the perfect one.