Which animal has the best movement on the planet? A monkey? A cheetah? A gazelle? No, according to Ido Portal, the animal with the best movement on the planet is you.
Diversity Through Movement
Many people have not yet heard of Ido Portal, he is the master of movement, he himself would probably call himself a student of movement. He has studied capoeira, gymnastics, parkour, and many, many more. If you have heard of him, it is likely through the work he has done with Conor McGregor, the irish MMA, lightweight champion. McGreggor
Portal points out that millions of years of evolution has left its mark on us; for instance, the human spine has the ability to explore ranges of movement that are quite aquatic. Even though we are bipeds, we still have quadrupedal movement locked in us, just ask any dad who has played horsey with his daughter!
So whilst a chimpanzee, swinging effortlessly through the trees, does so in a way that a human could never emulate, that's it for the chimp. She can only move in this manner, ask her to do a rhumba or cha-cha-cha, and she'll be stumped.
Through six million years of evolution, the chimp's arms have grown longer in proportion to its legs, it has developed fabulous upper body strength, and incredible hand-eye coordination.
Over the same period of time, the bias of human evolution has been focused on brain development. Areas such as Broca's area and Wernike's area, have allowed us to develop complex language structures, and the entire frontal lobe of the brain has enabled us to develop skills such as engineering, and mathematics.
So in between now, and the time us and chimps split from our common ancestor all those millions of years ago, the human body has not changed that much. However it is the brain development that we have all gone through, which allow us to move in a way that is at direct odds with our evolutionary needs.
Dancing Bears And Painting Elephants
We are fascinated if we see an animal dance, like one of those dancing bears in the Russian circus. We marvel at how somebody can train a bear to do something that it would not naturally do.
As a side note, the way people get bears to dance, or elephants to paint, is through extreme cruelty, and if you do not like cruelty towards animals, you shouldn't support these peoples shows.
So what delights us about a dancing pig, or a giraffe that can paint like Picasso? It is because these animals are moving in a way they don't have to.
The reason you never see a chimp break dancing in the wild, is because break dancing bears no evolutionary advantage on the chimp's life. It quite literally, has no use for dancing in any way, shape or form, so, chimps don't dance.
You on the other hand, dance not because you must, but because you can, human evolution of the brain, has allowed us to indulge in things that are merely fun.
So humans dance, and animals do not.
Building Our Movement Library
If you've ever watched one of @sirwinchester's dance videos, you would have seen him move in a way that you probably never have.
In fact, it is estimated, that when a person is in the process of learning dance, he can learn up to 400 new types of movement a week. This is because the movement we need to navigate everyday life, is not that diverse. We need to be able to at least walk, possibly run, climb stairs, sit and stand, and that's pretty much it.
However if you watch children at physical play, you see that there are so many more ways we can move. We tend to lose that incredible range of movement we have as children, although not for any other reason than through lack of practice.
That is essentially what Ido Portal is all about, he is really into exploring the various ways that we as humans can move. To tap into that well of genetic information we have hidden in our DNA, and build our library of movement, so that we can become freer, happier beings.
By studying Ido's brand of movement, you will learn to crawl like a lizard, or scuttle like a spider, you will learn discover that the agility you had as a child, still lurks within you.
So check out Ido Portal's website, and get into movement training, and explore the amazing potential of your body.

Challenge accepted :)
haha so funny :D
Really interesting read about movement or more specifically Ido Portal, his video shows that he is definitely much more than a student of movement, he has such incredible strength and control. I would need a lot of work before even attempting the simplest of his vocabulary of movement. More accurately, I need to shed serious weight, I have never ever seen myself that lean and not sure if I ever will. Amazing!
You'll be surprised at how much you can do with just a little training. I am quite fit, however some of his movements totally stumped me.
So I started watching him, and doing some of the drills he does, and I really surprised myself.
I really want to nail his, crawling like a lizard, it's just so beautiful to watch and really combines strength and ability perfectly.
I'm perfect at Savasana))) Nice post!
Thank you! Can I ask; what is Savasana?
Definitely some worth of learning, seeing, joining, following and doing.
where did I get lost on my moves?
Monkey vote my comment
I'm pretty much like a supple leopard!
Haha, I'm more like an acrobatic lizard :-)
my best move is the sloth :P
Quit steeming. Start moving.
my favourite is the kangaroo what do u think !
I like the way they fight...
outstanding article! i'm fascinated that it's me..
Can't wait to check this out later. This kind of stuff is why I got into capoeira.
It is why I want to get into capoeira now! :-)
It's like 8 hobbies in one! I'd get back into it if I didn't live in farm country
Just do stuff on your own, it's not as good as taking instruction, but at least it keeps you moving :-)
Oh, I do, but capoeira without a group isn't capoeira. It's just exercise.
Hahaha, very good, I know what you mean I guess, as it's about the music and the community, as well as the movement.
Very funny though :-D
Yeah, as much as I don't want another broken nose, I miss it.
Its amazing sir... Thanks for such a nice blog. And u know well that i am always yr big fan.
I think i need to get into movement training to have that kind of incredible strength..
I'm definitely not as limber as when I was a kid, but having kids of my own refreshed some of those old movements.
"In fact, it is estimated, that when a person is in the process of learning dance, he can learn up to 400 new types of movement a week." That is an amazing amount of movements--ones we would likely never consider in our Sit/Stand/Walk cycles. Well--atleast there is typing! My finger movements are better than ever. :)
Haha, yes, kids definitely bring us back to our youth. I love typing, so you'll get no argument from me there! :-)
This is marvelous, I'm going to have some fun with it, thanks @cryptogee! I love this series by the way
Please do! It really is quite liberating to move your body in ways you hadn't even considered. :-)
I'm really loving writing it, it's so fun, I have a couple of others stacked up, but I'll be backed to it soon. :-)
yes it is so liberating! Just paying bills and feeling a bit low and tried a bit of this and soon I'm smiling and slithering and laughing. Very cool, looking forward to more! As I've said, I really enjoy the way your brain works!
Oh, awesome! I'm so glad that I was able to contribute a bit to cheering you up! :-D Keep moving like an animal, and find your inner child again!! X
:-), I love that - "keep moving like an animal and find your inner child" !!
Upped and followed :)