#Top X Cryptocurrency News...

in #india7 years ago

DVxsgumXkAIrgOg.jpg1- Roles of Regulators Decided in India, Rules on Bitcoin Coming Soon http://ift.tt/2nRGb0r #Bitcoin

2- Coinbase Launches Service for Paying Merchants with cryptocurrencies Bitcoin Cash and Ethereum.

DV0_qd4XUAAKtks.jpg3- Arizona State Senate Approves Bill to Permit Tax Payments in Bitcoin - http://bit.ly/2H9qQjW

vm-V8gfm.jpg4- This Week in Bitcoin: Who Do You Believe? - Bitcoin News (press release) http://dlvr.it/QG0w7r #bitcoin #news

DV09L-uVoAAbvn6.jpg5- Crypto Dip Humbles South Korean Bitcoin Premium #Blockchain #Cryptocurrency - http://j.mp/2Eli7NW - [Sleekarena News]

Never ending BTFD.

DVzYhmnWkAAXSds.jpgDo you panic sell or buy more? #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #crypto

DVkkOTQU0AMmxH1.jpg#cryptocurrency is here to restore that freedom and liberty!

DV1A5oqX0AIwgkM.jpg6- #Japan Remains Optimistic About #Cryptocurrencies Despite #Coincheck Heist & Recent Price Woes https://buff.ly/2H4x70h

DV1BX0uX0AEdus_.jpg7- Abu Dhabi Markets Watchdog Mulls Cryptocurrency Exchange Regulations http://bit.ly/2HaqpGi

8- "Academia Responds to Surging Interest in Digital Assets by Offering Crypto/Blockchain Courses"

DV1CEgZWAAA1Wo-.jpg9- How the U.S. Courts Website Unwittingly Became a Cryptocurrency Miner #International #Tech http://fortune.com/2018/02/12/us-courts-coinhive-monero-cryptocurrency-miner

10- Unocoin is coming soon with Bitcoin Gold apart from Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Ripple, Ethereum, Bitcoin and Stellar.

DV1CRBVVoAEYE-4.jpg #bitcoin #bitcoincash #litecoin #ethereum #stellar #ripple

Everyone who's taken the time to read into #Bitcoin and crypto realises that this isn't a fad.

Nocoiners will regret not buying in.

They're too blinded by "it's a scam, it's a bubble" and will continue to watch from the sidelines and miss out on this life changing opportunity


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