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RE: India Resists: Protests erupt all over the country against Unconstitutional Citizenship Amendment Act!

in #india5 years ago (edited)

Equal rights in India is a myth, general category students facing discrimination from long years silently in education and job opportunities.

Pakistan, Bangladesh and afginistan are Muslim major countries and we have been already facing major illegal immigrants issue of rohingyas from Myanmar.

Srilanka and Myanmar are secular countries and there is no Sharia law which terms minorities as Kaffirs and brings blasphemy to punish them.

As per unofficial calculations there are 40 thousands of them entered in to India and having Aadhar cards also 🤷🏼‍♂️.

In Telangana state government implementing reservations for Muslims as minority and I am concerned that slowly the immigrants also claim the reservation.

As per me, I only support the protests in Assam and government should taken more care about the feelings of the local people before implementation of law.

NRC is coming on the way and officials expressed it will rule having people who entered in to India after 2014 and not as rumours 1971.

That 1971 is in Assam accord and people wrongly mixing that 1971 in to the NRC and Woking protests to look government as looking to deport all Muslims out of this country.

Although is portraying as opposing the discrimination and for equal rights.. there alot of hidden things in it and majority people calmly watching these

In democracy half of the win depends on the opposite party's actions. Looking these protests , I feel majority people again silently vote for BJP in fear of muslims. That's what BJP also want and thinking to create fear in Hindus about other community and to win.

I am waiting for the party which no longer appease minorities by blaming majority to get votes, and respect every community equally.


The problem is when certain political party gives all the rights to so called minorities then they are ok, but when a political party is working towards betterment of majority then they are not ok. Either they don't know about how the minorities are treated in Neighboring countries or they just want to keep their eyes shut and do violent protest. It is for them and 80% of Indians are with Hindus, Sikhs and Christians who are seeking refugees because of religious prosecution. If 20% can do the protest think about what 80% can do.

Minorities treated in other countries? Can we first focus on solving our own problems first. Our resources are not enough for ourselves. And we are going to invite more people thanks to this Law. Honestly speaking, if you care for some just because they are of a religion that you like then are you even a human? What about several other MUSLIM minorities in Pak, Bangladesh and Myanmar?

And don't you see how it will affect our own citizens? Poor folks who do not even know what's going on? Do you think they will be able to provide the proof of their citizenship because Voter ID, Passport, Aadhar card are not the proof. I am an atheist so if I don't have any other documents from my ancestors then am I a citizen or not?

@codingdefined - When a code is full of bugs that it's gonna crash the whole system, you do not run it. Mission abort!

In Assam, NRC excluded 1.9 million people. What's going to happen to them? Detention centers?
Those people are not going to stop fighting for their rights. Internet Shutdown done to suppress dissent is against our democratic rights. People losing their families because of this. CAA will allow the REAL infiltrators to jump the wagon.

Anyone can come and declare themselves a Hindu can enter in India. But what's the proof of them being a Hindu? So will you allow

Regarding the protests: If modi ji didn't pass this unconstitutional law toh hote hi nahi. And violence kaun kar raha hai, yeh toh pata chal hi raha hai bhai. :)) I will make a good video about Police Brutality, BJP RSS involvement in the violence and state funded ruckus . Then we will talk more about it.

First of all they all are in India and you have not seen the condition in Kolkata, all the violence is done by the people staying illegally from Bangladesh and I don't have to name the religion here, you might know.

Also the Muslims does not have to face religious prosecution in these countries. Tell me how many countries are there where Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhist can go, not even one. Yes the resources are limited but for that population control bill also has to introduced for that again they will cry that it is against them.

In Assam, they have the real problem thus all the states should come forward to help them and not a single state should take the burden. Is RSS there in Bengal, no but still violence happened. Does RSS there in Jamia University no, the students have started the violence.

If you are doing violence then we all know which religion incites to do violence. And I am not blaming all of them but few are there.

Why do you focused so much religion? As I said, MUSLIMS also get persecuted in those same country.

Why do you want to focus only on illegal immigrants and not on our own citizens?

Assam has the real problem and if CAA solves it then why Assamese are opposing it?

I understand that violence is not the answer. And saying it for the 100th time, I condemn it by anyone.

Do you condemn violence done by BJP Goons? Anyway, I am not saying you are completely wrong. But do you see where I am right? You fail to understand the loopholes of this law. Do you agree with my points too?

I do with some. But not where you are saying such things:

If you are doing violence then we all know which religion incites to do violence.

This stereotype is dangerous.

I think you have to check your fact, Muslims are not prosecuted in these countries and even if they are it's very rare. Do you know what's the minority population is there in these countries. And again you have to understand these people are our own people if you have studied history. The whole area was part of Akhand Bharat, yes it's there fate that they have not able to come to India at the time of Independence. But why not give them opportunity now.

I have faith in this government to come up with a solution for Assamese. But all these other protest which is only violence and not actual protest is just done to satisfy the ego of some people, i think I have a name for them - tukde tukde gang. And I have seen the people who all are in front and what exactly the are up to.

Mindless, senseless comment! Once again. Can't waste my precious time on you. Because you are disillusioned by the lies you have been told and what you see on the news channel you follow. Anyway. I will move on and expose Modi ji's attempt to break your akhand bharat. He is the real Tukde Tukde gangster. :))

And what about you a chamcha..rohingyas don't tell me why they are prosecuted...I think you need to come out of NDTV soon..I am done here too. Little knowledge is too dangerous you know. Get well soon.

Btw Rohingya is a muslim minority in Bangladesh and Myanmar.
Shias, Ahmadis and Sufis in Pakistan.

Iske alawa non-muslims bhi bahut saari hai. And it's not rare. Please don't talk about facts when you show me none. :)) You just declare what you know. And you seem to know very little. The knowledge you could gather from Godimedia. I have a name for you - Andh bhakt.

Although is portraying as opposing the discrimination and for equal rights..

About the right to equality- it does not violate, as It is no affecting the citizenship of any Indian.

The existing avenues of seeking Indian citizenship for all communities are still open in the Citizenship law. The newly added CAA is only to restrict the illegal muslim immigrants.

CAA and NRC in combo restrict only Muslims from getting the citizenship. That's where the problem lies!

Let's say you are a Muslim and fail to produce the documents that prove your citizenship, then you are
onsidered as an illegal immigrant. CAA restricts you to apply for citizenship because you are a muslim.

That's how the govt is playing with all the citizens. Moreover the financial impact of NRC and CAA is huge. That money could be used for doing things that matter.

For me, the argument that this law is based on religion is enough to understand that it is wrong.

Let's say you are a Muslim and fail to produce the documents that prove your citizenship

How come? The illegal immigrants can vote with Voter ID, but they can not produce documents? What cheap this argument is?

I am sure you have not gone through the CAA act. That is why your article itself is falsifying and misleading. In India, there are more than 50 million immigrants from neighbouring countries. Are you trying to make India hub for illegal immigrants? If any muslim want to come to India and settle he can still apply for it, there is no restriction in that. But how can you justify the rohingyas and illegal immigrants who number is as high as 50 million. The actual figure will be even more than that.

Do you know that if you remain silent on illegal immigration, then it will continue to rise and those people will continue to exploit the resources which are meant for legal citizens. On the top of that they have voter card also, they are voting also. So indirectly you want illegal immgirants to vote in this country. Because you don't want CAA, means you want them to remain here..right? Without a law NRC can not be exercised. The Assam accord will still be in place and some confused people like you are spreading false information.

If I am muslim and I am not an intruder, then no one can take my citizenship. CAA does not affect that.

At least be a responsible blogger, I have no problem if you object to Govt policies. But it should be fact-based, not one-sided story.

Btw, voter ID is not a proof your citizenship. Do you also consider people who are flood victims? They won't have any documents with them. And what about the financial implications of this law. What's the plan to do with those immigrants. Assam has 1.9 million people in the NRC. What's gonna happen to them? If anyone of them is Hindi, they are accepted. If someone is muslim, they are not. Also, govt. has wasted 1600 crores just to prove their point. And they failed in the most EPIC way.

Who is telling you to be silent for on Illegal Immigrants? You can talk about it. I am sure PM will hear ya! I am against it too. But CAA + NRC is way to make Muslims a poor minority in India. That's clear with every action they are taking. Now the media has been asked to not report pictures of Anti-CAA protests.

At least be a responsible blogger, I have no problem if you object to Govt policies. But it should be fact-based, not one-sided story.

I am being the most responsible blogger and the citizen of my country trying to show everyone the part which is being propagated as false narrative by paid media. I am telling you, I haven't mentioned any lies in the post. You can say it is one-sided story because the other side has been covered by many.

Also, I have read the bill many times that is why I could find the loopholes in the law. And everytime I read it, I could find many more. :))

Btw, BJP govt. is a fascist!!! Hitler 2019 got exposed.

Oh really are getting too much prejudice.
What about the financial implication of damaging public property in violent protests.. any idea? I think you are conscious about financial implications, so you must have taken that into consideration too.

During electoral voting, an illegal migrant can vote is some way or the other, but for NRC, suddenly he becomes a flood victim?

CAA+NRC is the perfect dose to treat illegal immigrants.

Your own content is a part of the false narrative as it is not fact-based. Opinions can be different, but the fact will always remain the fact. If you can point out the loopholes in detail, then this debate can be productive, but personally I don't think this post is fact-oriented. When someone is so prejudiced to push the agenda in whatever possible means, then it is not going to be a fulfilling debate for democracy.

You can customize a label for it, but I m not gonna consumer of it.

Thank you....Good Bye....

No use of arguing with a person who has made up his mind.

CAA + NRC will do the opposite. Now anyone can come and say "hi I am a Hindu" and they will be provided Indian Citizenship. What's the gurantee they are not going to do illegal activites that your "Illegal Immigrants" do in the country. Stop lying to yourself. And stop acussing me for being biased. I am giving you enough facts already. And my opinion is what I have told you based on the same facts.

And who told you to consume this? Mat karo bhai. Jo karna hai karo. Maine toh yeh international audience liye kiya tha post. Tum bhi kardo if you want to. And mention your facts or opinions. I will not go mad over your post and accuse you of spreading false information. I will just prove it if you do it.

Also, Don't talk about democracy when you are with the oppressor. And as I mentioned somewhere, I will reply to your comment with facts and only facts. Tab karlena discussion.

Regarding the violence, bhai kabhi samay mile toh google search karna ki violence ji hai na woh Police waalon ne bhi ki, BJP workers ne bhi and Opposition ne bhi. So... please.

Gooody good bye!

Thanks for your comment @hungryharish. I feel that both the current government and opposition are incompetent. We need fresh blood to lead us. Not the PM but the local leaders who work for the betterment of society rather than trying to create hate and divide.

We are suffering from a huge financial and social breakdown that protesting against the current policies is imminent.

You are right, we should look for people who do not concentrate on vote banks and actually do something for the whole population.