Bathing in the colors of love and joy - Holi – Festival of Colour

in #india7 years ago (edited)

635958254448669887987517136_rave.jpgThis is the Indian Festival, footage of which can often be seen in advertisements for tourism in the country, movies and song clips. People of any gender, age and background gather on it to sing, dance and color their friends and acquaintances with colorful powders and colored water.

It's about Holi, also known as the Color Festival. With it, the Hindus mark many things - the victory of good over evil, the coming of spring, the end of winter, fertility and equality.

The feast lasts one night and one day, and most of it is joyful "battles" with colorful powder. They happen everywhere - on streets, parks, outside temples and buildings. They are accompanied by music, songs and dances.

The holiday is celebrated all over India, with a century-old tradition behind it. It was first mentioned in a poem of the 4th century. It is described in detail in a play of the 7th-century sanskrit called "Ratnavali" and written by the then Indian Emperor Harsa.

Still there, he writes about the "beauty of the great love festival," in which people dance under the colorful water floating over their heads.

Everything around is colored in yellow and red by the colorful powder that is thrown around. The picture described by the Emperor fully corresponds to what is happening today, even centuries later. In different states of India there are different traditions related to his celebration.

Although it is a Hindu festival, Holi is celebrated by Indians in many places around the country. In the various states of India there are different, specific traditions related to his celebration. The basic one is always one - love and joy.

The holiday also has an unusual social element - during the celebrations all are equal, regardless of gender differences, age, caste or well-being.

Children and adults are together, men and women bathe with colorful water, and the rules of origin and caste are forgotten for a while. Everybody has fun during the day, and dinners are usually dedicated to visiting friends or family.

The National Holiday begins at the first full moon of the Indian lunar-solar calendar, usually in March. This year, Holly is being held March 2.

Mythological roots

Behind this unusual event taking place every year there are many legends. One of them is the one about Holica - the demon-demon and sister of the demon King Haranjakashi. He believed he was the master of the universe, and that he was more powerful than all the gods. But his son, Prahlad, honored the god Vishnu - the guardian of the universe.

This infuriated Haraniakashihu because he hated Vishnu. So the demon, together with Holica, planned the murder of his own son. The idea was for the Holi Spirit to translate Prachlad in a great sphere. She would survive because the gods had given her the power to be untouchable for fire.

But the plan failed. Prachlad was praying to Vishnu, who protected him, and Holica died in the flames, for her strength acted only when she was alone. And shortly thereafter, Vishnu killed Kharanakashihu.

The lesson? Good always overcomes evil.

Nowadays, the burning of the Holic is often transformed. For that purpose, large open fires are lit in the night before Holly, known as the Holy Dahan. The statues of Holica are thrown into the ditches. Some Hindus gather the ashes from the fires and cover their bodies with it. This is seen as an action for purification.

Love Story

Holly is also a holiday of love, and this is associated with another legend about it. The day after Holica Dahan Day takes place Ranwali Holly - the all-day celebration, in which people throw dust in different colors. The tradition of throwing colored dust and water comes from the mythological story of the love of Radha and Krishna.

Krishna, the Hindu god, depicted in dark blue skin, complained to his mother about Radha's bright skin. To help his son and banish his sorrow, the mother offered Krishna to change the color of Radha's skin with the paint. It is believed that it is here that Holly's tradition is to paint with colorful paint the people you love.

The festival is interesting enough that its popularity is transferred to other Asian countries, albeit without the religious element. In recent years, he has found his way to Europe and North America as a way of celebrating love, joy and, of course, the colors.

Now see what Holi looks like from this photos :)


Thanks for reading my POST i hope you enjoyed it ! Have a great day :) !



an amazing colorful festival...

Чудно ,красиво!

Няма да вземат една мотика да поработят ми ......:)

So funny, thanks!