Venezuela has made an offer to India to buy crude oil from them using their new blockchain technology based cryptocurrency 'Petro.' If India accepts this it will get a 30% discounts on crude oil imports. This is a significant discount but the rider here is that the trades will take place using 'Petro' cryptocurrency
Venezuela has the largest oil and gas reserves in the world, with execptional quality, only need a good investment to move forward, some measures today have not been the best, but we still have faith that things will improve for us, maybe this business with India could be a way out.
Thank you for your comment @melvadg. It's great to know about this from a citizen of Venezuela. It's one of the countries I wish to visit in South American continent. I hope the economic situations improves quickly for people of your country.
Apart from hydrocarbons we have beautiful places, I recommend you to visit Merida, Isla de Margarita and of course the majesty of the Gran Sabana!
I will. Thank you for the recommendation.
There cannot be hope for people to get out of that nightmarish reality if you deal with criminals and corrupts that destroyed people's lives. If you do, you're just contributing to the disgrace. There's never going to be a way out unless those corrupts are removed.