After the Oxford-AstraZeneca shot and Covacin, the Indian company Biotech is working on the third Sputnik-V vaccine to be approved by India. The health ministry said in a statement that the expert panel's recommendations for acceptance had been approved. According to new tests released in the Lancet, Sputnik-V offers 92 percent defense against a variety of threats. Sputnik-V offers 92 percent defense against Covid-19 disease, according to new research reported in the Lancet. In India, 100 million doses of corona have already been vaccinated with Covishield and Covacin.
The Sputnik-V vaccine has been accepted at a time when India, after Brazil, is the world's second most affected country. So far, 13.5 million people have tested positive for the deadly virus in the world. India is currently just second to the United States in terms of transformation. In the United States, Corona has been detected in 31 million individuals. And there are one crore casualties in Brazil. In Brazil, the total number of casualties is one crore 34 lakh. The Gamaleya Institute in Moscow developed the Sputnik-V vaccine. The vaccine was first made available before the final test findings were announced, which sparked debate.
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