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RE: The Last Performance before COVID-19 Lockdown!

in #india5 years ago

Yea, its a hard time for the cultural sector. But to be honest, I dont think it'll take two years before larger events will happen again. Several research says we more than just a few people had corona while they dont know and we may not be far away from group immunity which leads to the statement of: corona fatigue. I suppose we'll know more in a few weeks or month or so. When we get - slowely - out of hard/soft lockdowns, and we'll not see an new increase of patients, opeing up the cultural sector may be quicker than expected. That said, I think they will only allow smaller events, outdoor only for the time being when signs are good. Large events may not happen this year anymore. This maybe a good thing in my view. Not only the fact I'm a music fan and like the small / intimate events more than the large ones. But also when the large events are not allowed, it gives much more room for the smaller events to become attractive again, also financially wise from promoter point of view.